Few months ago I split up with my ex and decided to try Facebook dating. Came in contact with this girl who was really unsecure about herself. After having great chats and videocalls we decided to meet up. On the day of the meet up she tells me something happend and wants to reschedule. I was confused at start but didn’t wanted to pressure so I said sure no worries. That night she called me and said a good friend she had feelings for in the past had committed suicide. I didn’t knew what to say and told her I’m there for her if she needs/wants to talk to me. After about a week I sended her a message and told her things have changed between us. She admitted and said it’s true but wasn’t my fault. In her head she always had feelings for this guy. Now she’s telling me to move on and leave her. The talks we had is not something I had with every girl. I don’t wanna give up on her that easily. What’s the best thing for me to do at this moment?

  1. She’s clearly not in a position to be anything with you right now while she grieves. Give her the space she’s asked for, move on. She may come back if and when she’s ready but don’t wait on it.

  2. I wouldn’t put your dating life on hold for her. It might take a few years for her to figure it all out.

  3. Someone she cared about platonically and romantically just left this earth! That’s a lot to process, and that would surely put a damper on whether she wants to date or not.

    And you might think she’s making it up. But the fact that she would make up such a lie to avoid meeting you is pretty telling too 🤷🏾‍♀️

    Either way, she said go away. So go away

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