From Gloucester in the UK, I have been to Europe a handful of times and a lot of camping trips to Scotland and Wales (I am not very well travelled)

I’m not asking for any particular reason, I love geography and would be curious as to roughly where you are from and where you go/have been on vacation, where you would go for a weekend, where you would go for a “big” vacation, etc

  1. I live in Maine. For a weekend I might go somewhere else in New England. For a big trip my wife and I have considered New Zealand.

    Her sister goes on vacation more than us and has been all over Europe. Most recently, London and Scotland.

  2. I’m in the San Francisco Area.

    My next vacation is going to be Mexico City and the one after that Kyoto/Osaka.

    Before that my last two vacations were Bangkok and Lisbon.


    Actually I’m going to Vegas in a few weeks. And in April I’m supposed to go to Austin. And I was in LA not too long ago. If I’m being honest a lot of domestic trips feel more like “get aways” than “vacations”.

  3. I am in SoCal, so I’m pretty much spoiled for choice on things to do for a weekend! If it’s A little bit longer, I might go out of state. (usually drive)

    I don’t get the chance to travel internationally much. Although I did just get back from a trip to the UK and Normandy France last month! That was my first big trip since 2015!

  4. I generally don’t. Recently, I got invited to go to Chicago for a few days, and I’d never gone, so I went.

  5. My usual vacation is a week long camping trip 4 hours north to the Leelanau Peninsula.

    I have never considered a big trip (i.e leaving Michigan for vacation). I might be a little too frugal for that.

  6. I’m in NW Oregon, already a beautiful place. Typically we just take a few days and spend time on the coast and do some sightseeing. Only an hour or two of driving to get there.

    We’ve also flown or driven down to southern CA and did touristy stuff down there. There’s tons of great places to visit within a relatively short distance from us.

  7. I have been to Mexico three times, once to go whale watching. I have been on very short day trips into Canada many times. I have been to Spain (arrived by boat and left by boat).

    I have been to or through about 35 states for various reasons of fun or family, including most of the Southwestern states and just about all the states east of the Mississippi River, except New England.

    I used to live in rural Africa and got a chance to travel to a few other countries besides the one I lived in for vacation.

    I have driven lots of places in the US. I drove to the top of the Smoky Mountains one Thanksgiving when I was alone and had nothing planned. I just got in my car for a random drive and wound up there, about 2 hours and 45 minutes away, at 6000 feet altitude.

  8. I’m from Maryland, North of Baltimore.

    My parents bought into the Disney timeshare when I was little, so we go there a lot. I have relatives in South Carolina, so we’re there a lot. We’ve done weekends in Virginia. Bigger trips we’ve done California and Hawaii.

    Someday I’d like to go international. Unfortunately, most of my friends don’t have the means to travel at all, let alone internationally, so I usually end up vacationing with family, and my dad specifically won’t travel internationally, so that’s a no-go. I’m content to go other places in the US for now and then travel internationally at some point in the future.

  9. I live near DC

    Growing up I went to the beach in Virginia and North Carolinian a lot. (As an adult I still go an Family Beach trips every few years)

    After my siblings all became adults we have gone on a few bigger trips as a family (Switzerland, Hawaii, Germany). Each spread about 3-5 years apart.

    I went to Disney World with my in-laws last summer

    I don’t really go on ‘vacations’ with friends, but my friends live all over the world/country and I visit at least a few of them every year. This year I stayed with friends in Seattle and New York. I have a trip planned for Philly early next year and trips planned for Chicago and Munich next summer. (Also have friends in Texas, Colorado, California, Florida, UK, Toronto, and Arizona who I have visited before and will visit again as I have time – they all also come stay with me in DC every year / few years depending on the friend and their reason for being in the area)

    Sometimes I tag along on my husband’s work trips and we will extend the trip into a mini vacation (did that a few weeks ago when he had to be in Orlando for a conference).

    Went to Iceland with my husband last December for a vacation just the two of us. We are trying to plan a vacation together for early next year to somewhere in South America but we havnt picked a location yet / everything we have found does not hit our budget so that may not be happening.

    We also go on day / weekend trips pretty often to any city or hiking trail within about 3-6 hours drive from where we live (3 hours for a day trip, 6 hours for a weekend). I am not sure if that counts as a vacation or just a thing to do on weekends.

  10. I like to do week-long bikepacking trips for my vacations. My bike team is trying to do one in every state, 3-4 per year. There’s tons of cool bike trails all over.

  11. Live in the PNW, not far from Portland, Oregon. Ever year I go to Southern California or Arizona. There’s many places I would go if I had the means. Ireland, Uruguay, Denmark, Spain, and Israel to name a few.

  12. Midwesterners. I love to travel and we go where ever sounds interesting and where we can get cheap flights. That has included Italy, Ireland, Costa Rica, CDMX, Jamaica, Germany, Arizona, California, NYC, and Seattle in the last 5 or so years for big trips and Chicago, Milwaukee, and Minneapolis for shorter trips plus two very short camping trips within a couple hours of home.

  13. Vacation, what’s that?

    At best, we get away for a night to the coast. I have never gone on what most would consider a vacation.

  14. I live in New Mexico.

    Most years, I go camping in Tennessee. It’s a 3200 mile round-trip drive. If I go on another trip in any given year, it’s usually to a western location such as Denver, Las Vegas, or Palm Springs. I have been to, and enjoyed, Boston, D.C., Chicago, and New Orleans. I don’t generally do weekend trips. Next year’s big one will probably be Alaska.

  15. I currently live in Germany, and usually the short trips my family and I take are to other places in Germany, or to other European countries (most frequently, I have been to France, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Spain). At least once a year, however, we try to go on a trip outside of Europe, and this year we have gone on two: a trip to Asia (Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) to celebrate lunar new year with family in January and February, and a trip to the the US (New England) last month to attend a cousin’s wedding (although we made a longer trip out of that due to the time and money involved). We went on a much longer trip to the US last year, our first trip outside of Europe since the pandemic.

    Growing up in the California, my family and I would often take weekend trips to places throughout the state (some favorites being Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, and Monterey/Big Sur). We would also take longer trips to many different places in the US, to visit family and for holiday, and occasional trips to Canada and Mexico for similar reasons. We also often traveled to Asia to visit family (once a year or every other year usually), and sometimes to Europe. After I started living on my own, still in California, I generally followed these same patterns when it came to travel, although long trips were more rare simply because I didn’t have the same level of money and reward points accumulated as my parents did.

  16. I always looked for what was on sale and let me do the most trip. Travelzoo Top 20 (US and UK versions among others.)

  17. Vacations have changed over the years as circumstances change. When we had kids we drove to Disney World or out west to the Grand Canyon and the Phoenix Arizona area(to see their grandparents). We also had family friends with a remote cabin in Wisconsin that we would spend a week or 2 on a 500 acre lake. Now that we are grandparents it seems like every “vacation” in the last 6 years has ended up 500 miles away in Iowa, but I expect that to change soon as young people get older and find better things to do than visit with grandma lol

  18. I just got back from a vacation. I live in California and my partner and I drove up to Washington state to sightsee and visit with friends. We also drove down the Oregon coast on our way back. The Pacific Northwest is insanely beautiful and I encourage everyone to visit if you ever get the chance! I think the drive was about 12hr a each way but we didn’t do it all in one day.

  19. The Outer Banks in North Carolina is a popular destination. I’ve been there quite a few times myself.

  20. This year, I’ve been to French Polynesia (Tahiti, Moorea), Hawaii, California, the Houston Texas Rodeo, New York, Lisboa and Porto in Portugal, Paris, and Frankfurt, Munich, and multiple castles in Germany.

    I’ve been to 30+ US states and 40+ countries.

  21. I live in San Francisco and weekend trips are mainly camping trips to national parks in California (Btw, out here, all camping is “wild camping” as you call it in Europe. You’re sleeping in your car or a tent and hanging your food up in a tree 60 meters from your sleeping area to keep the bears away in the night).

    I also take weekend trips to US and Canadian cities where I can get a direct flight. It’s 5-6 hours to fly direct from here to NYC, for example. If you have to take a connection somewhere, it’s just not worth it for only a weekend.

    Big vacations are to Europe, Asia, or Latin America.

    Growing up in the Central US, family reunion trips would be to Florida, Michigan, or North Carolina so we could rent a big house on the water for everyone.

    Right now, my girlfriends and I are planning a girls’ trip to Scotland and a med spa trip to South Korea.

  22. Florida here. If it’s just a weekend I would go to Disney/Universal or the beach. In the last year I have been to Japan, Alaska, Seattle, Vegas, Vancouver and Denver.

  23. I grew up with parents obsessed with Europe so I’ve been to more European countries than US states! Which is not usual. And I went to grad school in the UK and studied abroad during undergrad in Paris for a semester. I live in Washington, DC and take smaller vacations to places like NYC, California, Nashville, Cabo, etc. throughout the year and like to do one big trip to another country (usually in Europe) per year.

  24. I live in Minnesota. We just do lots of weekend trips around this part of the country (it’s beautiful here). For paid vacation time we go home to Montana to take our daughter to my husbands family ranch, or Texas to see my parents, and England to see my extended family.

    This year I did Texas, New Mexico, england, and Montana.

    Last year I did england, Spain, France, Texas, and Florida.

  25. Cape Cod and someday when my kids are older I’d like to go back to Alaska and Montana for fishing trips.

  26. We usually go somewhere along the upper Gulf Coast aka the Redneck Riviera. Panama City, Gulf Shores, Pensacola. Some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

  27. I’m from NJ

    Weekend trip to the shore – Asbury Park or Long Beach Island

    Long weekend trip to the mountains – the Poconos, PA or the Adirondacks, NY

    Week long trip – lake Champlain in VT and then run over to Montreal for a day or two.

  28. I usually do a couple weeks camping in my state and some other ones around me. In the UP or somewhere at the beach, most often. If I’m solo I use a motorcycle and if its with the family we load up the car.

    About 1.5x a year or so, I/we also do a much bigger/more expensive trip somewhere. Either internationally or domestically. If its the whole family, it’ll be a road trip and closer. If its just my wife and I, it’ll likely involve flying.

    Though we are far from wealthy, travel is our hobby and we are frugal elsewhere to make it happen. We also find ways to go places as inexpensively as possible (e.g. camping, cheap hotels, renting a single room at an air bnb).

  29. I’ve been to North and Central America (Mexico and Costa Rica). And I’ve been to Europe (France, Italy, Finland, Spain, Ireland, Hungary, Czech Republic). I’d like to make it to South America or Africa soon. There are plenty of other destinations I know, but any flight over about 8-9 hours doesn’t appeal to me. But I suppose a trip can be broken up into multiple stops

  30. I’m in the northeast US. I don’t take many big vacations but we mainly go to Mexico when we do. My husband and I have also been to Aruba and the Dominican Republic, so basically our big vacations are in the Caribbean. Otherwise, we pretty much stick to the northeast US for small trips. We go to upstate NY, Massachusetts, or Maine, usually. Once in a while we’ll take a trip to California or Colorado, but not so much anymore. Our next big trip is Japan, which is our of our normal comfort range. It’s very exciting.

  31. I live about an hour west of Boston. We usually go to The UP in Michigan. This year we decided to try some place new. We went to Iceland. For weekend trips it’s The Berkshires or coastal Rhode Island.

    Next year it’s Wales and London.

    *I forgot we go to Jacksonville, FL a couple long weekends a year to visit the inlaws. I guess that’s kind of a vacation.

  32. I’m in New Jersey. My family vacations in New Hampshire every summer with friends. We sometimes go to the very southern coast of Maine.

    As for foreign destinations, I’ve been to England and Ireland, and my husband and I went to Italy with friends in April. I’ve also been to a couple of Caribbean islands.

  33. I have a house by the beach so I go there. Normally we go someplace up north to get away from the heat

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