Alright I (34M) just met a girl (25F) a couple of weeks ago. We simply met at a local shop she runs. She seemed to give off a kind and fun vibe which attracted me. I went back to the shop a few more times and our conversations were fun and flowed easily with a lot of sass in between xp.

Finally she got to asking me my age and I told her. She like collapsed laugh and spoke to her mom in her language. She gave some story about her mom and her playing a game with regulars and guessing their age and it seems her mom guessed i was older while she thought i younger.

Well i got around to asking her age with a bit of back and forth so i find out we have a 9 year age gap… i was a little hung up by that. The convo continued and we laughed a bunch. But from my end in the back of my mind im just like, “how do i handle this? Should i keep engaging?” So it’s possible i might’ve given off a changed vibe.

Anyways im debating if i should move forward or move on? I generally as a rule of thumb don’t like large age gaps because of different levels of maturity, life experience, or points in life. Now she seems very mature (at her age owning a shop?!) which “somewhat” counters what i am hung up by. But what do i know??? I’ve only just met her.

So here im asking for opinions on what you would do if you were in my shoes. Would you pursue this? If so, any particular tips or things to keep in mind? If not, what would be your reasons for moving on?

Tl;dr – Met a girl at her shop and after a couple weeks we find out we have a 9 year age gap. Move forward or move on?

Edit 1 – just added a tldr

  1. I have a larger age gap in my own relationship by a few more years. I think 9 years is totally fine.

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