I(F24) think I need some help… my libido is extremely low, but I do want sex. I just can’t seem to express this. I’ve been struggling with this for a really long time. and my boyfriend is now also starting to find it annoying that we hardly ever have sex anymore.

I would really like to change something there, but I don’t know what I can do.
So I do feel like having sex, but I just can’t get it out.
I also find it exciting to take the first step, I know what I have to do, but it just doesn’t work.

  1. Couple of things:

    Talk to your doctor. Ask for a referral to an endocrinologist who can check your hormone levels. Sometimes these things yield to very simple treatments.

    But that said: consider that people’s sexuality is very individual. Some people can be ready in ten seconds, others require a four hour conversation and an hour of cuddling before they’re even in the ballpark.

    Assuming your body chemistry is in acceptable ranges, accept who you are sexually instead of trying to be someone you aren’t. If your BF isn’t happy with who you are, it’s not a good relationship for you to be in.

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