I think the question says it all. And I think we all have this dilemma whether you admit to it or not.

  1. I don’t think there’s any specific timetable but if you can shart and they rate it without you even asking then you know you’re in the clear

  2. I hide them/hold them in as long as humanly possible. Eventually, I’m going to let one slip around them somehow. It will be hilarious, and then all bets are off.

    One time it happened when I was holding one in then slipped and fell.

    Another when we were in bed and I was half asleep.

    It has always resulted in some of the best laughs and then you can fart to your hearts content.

  3. I never have, I always excuse myself from the room just because it’s kinda rude to her to have to take that in. Actually take that back a little, over my life some have snuck out but never on purpose.

  4. Depends on the person. I never fart in front of people ever. That includes my wife but also family friends etc. Have been that way my whole life. Same with my wife.

  5. My husband farted on the first date. Ten years down the road, I still can’t bring myself to do it audibly. I silently let them out if he’s in the room. If it ends up stinking, I’ll warn him, but he doesn’t give af either way. Lol

    Anyway, just be yourself and fart if you feel like it. Lol

  6. Dude, i farted in front of my boyfriend a few months ago because I was laughing so hard. My bf farts like nothing. Silent and deadly ones or even loud ones. 😂

  7. I recently met a man and he instantly started farting in front of me. I didn’t mind too much until I realized he was literally forcing them out to shock me and started farting in my bed. It’s a bodily function but be polite about it please

  8. Don’t do it lol, go to the bathroom because a smelly ass fart is the last thing anyone wants to be around. Atleast go in the hallway and make it echo or something funny but farting is always a risk of making your partner mad and that’s no fun

  9. Usually it smells bad. Who wants to live inside your fart?
    But on one hand its our nature, on the other hand there are some rules of etiquette.
    To hold it till your tommy explodes, a bad idea as well.
    So i don’t have answer.
    I fart too much, I am pretty shy about it, so i do it when no one sees me. In case if i was caught and questioned usually I insist that it was tiny mice behind you.

  10. I never really got comfortable with that. Even in my longest relationship. Sure a few slipped out, and some I made loud on purpose but I very rarely just started tearing ass in front of my partner. I think cause I grew up in a house where farting was always greated with either shock, or a bit of ridicule, rather that humor.

  11. Ok, obviously farting is human and no one should be judged for it. No one cares.

    That being said, I’m a woman and I wait until he farts first. I’ll tell him I don’t care so he feels more comfortable to fart (Because I don’t care if anyone else farts, it’s just me I get conscious about). After he’s farted a few more instances, then I’ll eventually just be like “fuck it.”

  12. Never ha. I was with my ex for almost 6 years and he only heard me fart like 2-3x on accident. It’s just not something I’m comfortable doing in front of someone I love

  13. Been with my partner for 14 years. Neither of us do this. It’s not that hard to go to the bathroom or some other room without other people. I guess it comes down to whether you want this element in your relationship. Apparently, neither my partner or I are down for that, lol.

  14. 10 years in I still don’t just openly blast ass. In bed while she’s asleep I let safe ones fly. But if we’re up I’m excusing myself.

    I enjoy that we each handle our nasties out of view.

  15. Never, on purpose! Sometimes they slip out, but I like keeping that stuff private. We don’t poop or pee around each other either, and I close the bathroom door to keep my beauty routine mysterious. A little mystery goes a long way!

    I understand everyone is different, so following the other person’s lead is a good way to figure out their tolerance level.

  16. No. It’s a turn off to fart next to someone and force someone to smell your crap. Some people are okay with it but it’s gross to me and grounds for dumping if you have a habit of just farting or burping while near me. I’ve been in a relationship for 5 years, I go to the next room or so when the person is faraway and if one slips I say “excuse me” just the same as burping. People who fart openly or burp as a habit are not the type of people I want personally to date. I get being a nuisance and farting to be an asshole but if it’s your habit and you see nothing wrong with it, no. I think it’s tacky.

  17. Never. You do it outside stealthily or go to the bathroom and put the fan on maximum to block out the noise.

  18. Never! And not because I’m a prude. If you don’t keep some distance from your partner, the relationship will fall flat. It’s also about attention and respect. You’re still showing your best, and you can’t be attractive if you’re not demanding to yourself. So dear op, ask yourself, is it appealing to your partner if you fart under their nose?

  19. When I was younger, this was a big issue… I would hold farts in until my stomach hurt so bad. Now that I’m older, I just let it go. Think it was day two when I farted in front of my ex. I actually think that’s what made him fall in love with me. Being comfortable and secure in being a human. Lol!

  20. I had been with my girlfriend for almost a year. She’s Japanese. We were at a beach in Japan and she said something that I didn’t understand. She translated it to the “smell of the sea” and said that she liked the smell of the sea. I then farted really loudly and asked her if she liked that smell.

  21. We don’t “all have this dilemma”. Only people who are ashamed of their own bodies do. I’m lying in bed right now, and my fiancé just ripped ass so loud in the other room that I distinctly heard it and said “Nice.” She laughed, and we’re continuing on life as normal.

  22. no no just no. he rips them whenever and wherever he wants. except in front of his parents or out in public(unless at daddy target(lowe’s) especially enjoys getting me in the car with the SBDs(silent but deadly…) or two weeks into dating. pooted onto my hand in bed when i had my hand on his hip. he was very aware of this and did it intentionally and laughed so hard afterwards because he is a man-child. BUT. as his other half i enjoy corning him in the kitchen or holding the stankies in until we are in the shower together :). so therefore our comfortableness with our natural bodily functions started very soon in our relationship. everybody shits. just like the first morning i went poop at his house….i kinda clogged his toilet and he blamed himself. he doesn’t know this to this day. we’ve been dating almost a year :). i love him.

  23. Immediately! Don’t be a different version of yourself to impress someone. With that said, I wouldn’t go so far as spreading your cheeks and letting one rip in your partner’s face. There’s a balance.

  24. 22F here. If you’re already in a relationship then just let it rip honestly 😂 all of the shyness should be left in the dating stage.

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