What’s a job you would do for free?

  1. Anything to help the homeless or needy

    Which I can do to be honest but I work 5 (sometimes 6 days a week for long hours) and on my days off spend time with my friends. Especially now with 2 of them in a bad mental health spot that I’d like to help with

  2. If my life needs and wants were taken care of, auto mechanics, grounds keeping, something involving power tools.

    I like being busy, with an element of physicality.

  3. If I didnt need money, I would work at the library for free. I love books, I love the atmosphere, and libraries are critically important for every town and city.

  4. Apart from my current job, which I love — if I could do it over I’d drive a train for free.

  5. while back I saw a vid of a guy whose job it was to brush the sand off swimsuit models’ asses during photoshoots. I could see volunteering for that for a weekend. Or five.

  6. If I didn’t need the money? Auto mechanic, blacksmith, carpenter, welder, bowyer, tailor, arborist, librarian, mycologist, herbalist, physicist, sailor, hunter, gardener, entomologist…

    …I think I would need to eliminate the need for sleep as well.

  7. Walk/dog sit giant breed dogs. I love dogs, but the only kind I obsessively adore are giant breeds like mastiffs, danes, Pyrenees etc.

    Would happily and gratefully spend time with them and care for them for free.

  8. Considering I need money to live, none. But if I’m was living in some cashless society where all basic needs were met by the state, then I’d definitely be a pilot. Getting to travel the world for free is pretty cool.

  9. I wouldn’t do it for free because I know what my skills are worth, but if I was independently wealthy and had no need for the money, I’d probably do the job I have now for free.

    There are times when I think “I can’t believe how much they’re paying me to do work this interesting.”

    Don’t tell my boss.

  10. I’m a volunteer zookeeper at my city’s zoo. It’s a tough job but I love it.

  11. Does marriage count. That shits a hard job and the pay fucking sucks. But it feels good in the end 👍

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