Basically I just want people to stop trying to talk to me. And preferably not go near me at all when that can be easily avoided. For more context, I’m a guy in highschool (america) & although people don’t talk to me a lot already, it is still more than I would like.

I know this probably sounds odd, but I personally think it fits under the category of social skills. Aswell, I do not like talking to people. It would be great to take preventative measures to disincentivize people from talking to me.

I’ve already tried having headphones on (outside of class), along with always making myself look occupied, which has helped. But the problem is still there and it bothers me. I want to know if there’s anything more I can do without potentially ruining my reputation or getting myself in trouble with my school.

  1. Stop making eye contact and give as short of answers as you can. But honestly, therapy and/or medication might be a better route my dude.

  2. Bro it looks you literally don’t want people to acknowledge your existence. You said most people already don’t talk to you, so i’m guessing when they do they are asking questions, not trying to start a conversation. I don’t think that’s possible my guy,

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