Or what do you enjoy about being a father/husband?

  1. The low-key, unspoken bond of solidarity and general sense of “getting it” you get with other dads. Like, you’re in Lowes, and there is some other dad there and you both have a small kid, and you both exchange knowing glances about the general awesomeness of your kid thinking you are so cool for buying a box of screws. You drive down the road in the neighborhood and see the look of accomplishment on the face of a dad that just finished building a swing set for his kid. The kid is having the time of his life on that swing. You and the other dad wave to each other and both savor the moment of satisfaction. Or sharing the pain when a kid does something shitty and you/their dad has to scold them for it. In those moments just glance of eye contact can be enough to say “I know it sucks bro, but you are doing the right thing, we can’t let them grow up to be assholes”.

  2. The absolute elation you get when your kid makes the right decision. It’s absolutely ridiculous that you get so amped up but you can’t help it.

    Teaching your son to shave and tie a tie.

  3. The glow in my wife’s eyes when she’s been watching me with the boys and she tells me I’m a good dad.

  4. Came home from work the other day. My 3 year old daughter ran out screaming daddy daddy as I got out of the car. My wife met me on the patio with my infant son. The weather was beautiful too. It was like a Norman Rockwell scene and I loved it.

  5. The times when my daughter (5y) notices some of my hobby related things and asks about them/expresses some interest in them. Sharing interest in shows, boardgames and whatnot.

  6. My seven year old is in skateboarding and when he feels accomplished by using a new ramp or not falling, he’ll look to me for validation and we exchange a thumbs up and a smile.

    Makes my whole day

  7. Playtime at the park. Just me taking kids out. While wife at work
    God we had fun. Nothing fancy just relaxed about most of it. They got dirty or fell over meh no worries

  8. When my son was in elementary school he lived with his mother, and I would pick him up to spend the weekend at my house every Friday. He would be so overjoyed to see me as I climbed the stairs to the second floor of his mother’s house that he would literally leap off the top step of the stairs into my arms, never doubting for a moment Dad would be able to catch him.

  9. Getting to work and not see your kids because you, as a man, get less additional parent-time from your employer for no fucking reason.

  10. Having a little human asking you to watch anime with them that you grew up with.

    Wrestling the kids and the look on your wife’s eyes when all the kids decide to tackle you down and feel so accomplished while sitting on your in a glorious victory

  11. The genuine giggles at my fake accents, my facial expressions, tickle fights, _some_ dad jokes (most get eyerolls), and intentionally poor finding skills in hide and seek.

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