Happy Sunday all! What’s on the menu today? Are you at work and just having a sandwich? Or are you killing a cow as we speak? Tell me tell me

  1. Pork today, sausage meat stuffing, pigs in blankets, yorkies, mash, roasts, leeks, brocoli, cauliflower, carrots proper gravy

  2. Itison messaged me to say that the voucher that I bought for my MIL birthday is unclaimed and needs to be used.

    *Sadly* my MIL can’t use it so it falls to me and my wife to fall on this sword!

  3. Already had lunch today (weird sleep pattern). It was cottage pie and was fine. Nothing special.

  4. Pork roast, first one from a pig slaughtered earlier this week. All home grown veg, followed by home made rhubarb crumble.

  5. Slow cooked lamb shanks with mash and vegetables. Rhubarb crumble afterwards for those that have space.

  6. Veggie bolognese with pasta and pecorino 😀

    Freezes great, so I make a big batch from time to time and unfreeze a portion whenever I need it

  7. Going to a pub that do Sunday lunch so going to have roast beef or if I can get away with it have them add some of the roast pork to the plate too

  8. Pancakes, with Billington’s demerara & lemon juice.

    Dinner is roast pork, mashed potatoes, peas, broccoli, apple sauce & gravy, banana for afters.


    The only day I have dinner at lunch time is Christmas Day, while watching Top of the Pops (but last year it wasn’t on……)

  9. Spicy sausage pizza. Our Daughter is going out to a birthday party so my husband and I thought we’d have a lazy lunch at home

  10. Leftovers 🙁 (who am I kidding leftover pizza is the best), but last weekend had a roast (carvery, so lamb and beef).

  11. We are having burgers from the butchers with chips and corn. When there’s only two of us a roast dinner seems like a lot of effort. I prefer meals that can be made in a maximum of two baking tray or pans.

  12. Rendang with ox cheek. Feels like the right sort of day to have something bubbling away for a few hours.

  13. Mother in Law is coming over and – for a change – we’re having a full cooked breakfast. Sausage, bacon, black pudding, tomatoes, potato cakes, fried bread, eggs, toast, OJ and tea.

  14. Cheesecake, followed by bacon sandwich, crisps and then some tasteless rice dish. Living the dream.

  15. Slow cooked shoulder of lamb and all the trimmings. Making a sponge pudding with custard for afters

  16. We’ve got pork belly today & doing stuffing balls & honey roast parsnips. Homemade apple crumble & double cream for pudding! No wine today as I finished a bottle over the course of yesterday evening.

  17. Leg of Lamb, roast spuds, roast parsnips, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, peas and apple pie. Washed down with a bottle or three of Fullers London Porter.

    First roast since April as weekends are busy during the summer.

    So looking forward to it and I’m cooking it.

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