What was the last thing one of your friends did that genuinely upset you?

  1. been friends with him since h.s. and though he’s a good natured guy, the dude won’t stop with the Asian jokes. The same old ones I’ve heard from boomers since I was 10.

    The thing is, I’ve got a kid now and I don’t want my kid to go through what i did in the 90’s. It’s genuinely upsetting that he will probably inevitably feel like he’s gotta do more to fit in

    I’ve told my friend numerous times that I don’t wanna hear those sort of jokes anymore but he can’t seem to get that through his head.

  2. He shot an elk 4 miles up a mountain and then called me at 10 at night to come help pack it out.

  3. Not necessarily what they did, but what happened to them.

    Shitty ex, introduced him to uppers for a bit, had him working overtime on it. It was an abusive relationship, and it was upsetting to see my best friend crushed like that.

  4. We have two friends that don’t have cars. We live in a major metro area so it doesn’t impact them day to day. But if we are hanging out, we either have to schedule it around the public transit system or someone has to go out of their way to pick them up.

    We love these guys, they are solid friends; but it can get super annoying to basically be a chauffeur service every week.

  5. I went to visit my friend, who I love dearly, but he was definitely in a funk, and it kinda manifested in some strange/obnoxious behavior. But nothing really that crazy at first. Anyways, one day we’re day drinking generally have a pretty good time with a group of friends. We decided we wanted to get some food and walk around downtown, but I had no idea how drunk he was until we got to the bus stop, it was like 2 PM. As soon as we got on the bus stop and he sat down I knew it was gonna be a rough 35 minute ride. We ended basically being ran off the bus by the other passengers. Some of the highlights include:

    – Immediately like jumping into his seat next to this one lady who was wearing headphones and just like talking AT her. Luckily it was nothing inappropriate, but it was just so drunkenly obnoxious. After a couple minutes I convinced him to sit by me, but at that point the bus was definitely keeping their eyes on us.

    – A couple minutes later this Brazilian person starts talking on the phone in Portuguese and he starts loudly singing fucking La Bamba everytime they talk. He did it like 10 times.

    – Then the thing that got the whole bus yelling and scolding us was when he started making fun of this one rider who had got on and started rocking back and forth in their seat. It was definitely odd at first, but after about 5 seconds, anyone would’ve realized they had clearly had some anxiety or like sensory type issues. He started yelling out stuff like “look at this fucking tweaker” “did you just run out of meth or something” and other stuff. I started yelling at him. He started yelling at me. We had like really loud argument. And then like lots of people started yelling at us. He started to yell at the other passengers. Finally I lied and said we were at our stop.

    Anyways, we argued on the street for just a couple more minutes. The silver lining was that we went to grab a bite and we had some genuine real talk about what was going on with him.

  6. Yeah I got nothing. I have few friends, but they’re solid people. Can’t remember the last time I was ever seriously pissed off at them.

  7. Found out a friend was a deadbeat dad. We all believed his lies but over the years, there’s no way someone gets 4 different women pregnant and has the same story to tell about each one of them.

    The final straw was dating someone who was close cousins with one of his ex’s. The truth came out in the friend circle. We’re not morally aligned. That friendship is over.

  8. One of the guys from school I don’t hang out with any more was at our mutual friends funeral and made a comment about the dead guys sisters nipples at the funeral in front of her and a bunch of other people. He’s a pretty relentless douche bag. He’s in rehab after domestic assault against the third female since high school I know of. Pretty wild what you can basically get away with here as long as your dad can buy a lawyer.

  9. Told them I was feeling down lately and the only thing they said was “Alright, message me when you feel better.”

    Luckily I have plenty of other friends who do support me.

  10. Won lotto didn’t even buy a coffee. No longer Freund’s. He tried few times I’ve moved on. Was my best man at wedding

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