I HATE the cold more than anything, and I live in a college town that is already getting cold. I own a [snowsuit](https://i.imgur.com/kbPsHUU.jpg), yes a [onesie](https://i.imgur.com/iNHk2Hw.jpg). I really really want to wear it as my winter coat but I’m worried it would mess up my ability to connect with others. Be honest, what effect will it have, if any, on my ability to make friends/be social? Would anyone care?

  1. if you own it you may come off better

    if someone tries to make fun of you and you laugh it off and dish it back, youre golden

  2. I grew up in Alaska, my rec is thermal underwear and layers. Keep a reusable heat pack in your pocket to activate when you get really cold

  3. I personally wouldn’t wear it because it’s annoying to go to the bathroom and feel bulky. I think there may be some immature people but in my experience in college, most just mind their business. Really just do what you feel comfortable with.

    On the non social aspect; I come from a warmer climate and went to school where it snowed too, although I got used to the weather a bit more. IMO the most important bits to keeping warm are a nice winter coat (reaches midthigh), hat/earmuffs, scarf, gloves, boots.

    When it was really cold for my legs I would wear:
    – thermals or leggings (I honestly never felt the difference between them and I even bought an expensive pair…)
    – long socks rolled over the leggings
    – pants (jeans, etc.) that covered the socks
    – boots (mine ranged from mid calf to above the ankle)
    – leg warmers! This was what really helped me the most. And I had some cute ones I really enjoyed wearing.

    And I also considered a snow suit like you, but beacuse this still allows me to go to the bathroom easily and I feel less bulky and more comfortable, I never got one. Hope this helps!

  4. I’d go for it, I’ve wore some wild and fun things before and if I like them and enjoy wearing them I don’t allow others opinions to slow me down. That being said I wouldn’t ever wear anything but a nice suit or tux to a wedding or a pajama onsie to the beach cause there are limits. Honestly I think you are totally fine on this one.

  5. The amount of people that show up to college in pajamas, noone cares. Worst case, you get known as “the girl that wears a snowsuit”.

  6. It all depends on your vibe. If you’re chill and confident and nonchalant about it. People will be nice and you may even start a new trend and make more friends than you otherwise would have. And to be blunt, if you’re decently attractive/pretty, you’ll be even more accepted.

    If you’re self conscious and an asshole and annoying about it, you’ll be ignored as the “weird person” and potentially (but unlikely imo) be criticized to your face.

    In either case, who cares! Do what makes you happy and fuck everyone else. People who dig your vibe will find you

  7. I wear the same 4 outfits for classes. I do change my shirt, but I’m always wearing 1 of 4 Hoodies I Own. I do wash them.

  8. It wouldn’t damage anything. Since you’re going into college, the closest social circles you’ll have will probably be through the clubs/frats you join and people in your major/subject that you’ll likely see in several of your classes over the year. You’ll be spending a lot more time with them, and they’ll get to know you past any first impressions. You might be known as “the snowsuit girl” to anyone else on campus that watches you go by, but no one will think too deeply past that-certainly not anything negative. If anything, it might even be an advantage. One kid at my college used to wear a TMNT backpack (like a turtle shell) everywhere on campus, and everyone who didn’t know him personally knew him through that. It actually helped him gain recognition when he ran for student council later. My brother used to routinely wear this black leather duster I got him and a pair of sunglasses around on campus. We used to call him “Neo” like from the matrix, but he still made friends and at least to my knowledge, no one ever thought less of him for it. If it makes you comfortable, I’d own it.

  9. Get some base layers made of merino wool. Thin and more versatile under all your clothes. Very warm.

  10. Maybe college is different now, but I remember people regularly going to class in pajamas because they obviously woke up 5 mins ago. No one really cared.

    On a side note would you take the suit off when inside? Isn’t that a hassle? If you don’t change out… Isn’t that ridiculously hot?

  11. OWN IT. You’ll make it work for you! You’ll be the most fashionable, coolest (warmest) Freshman ever!! I love it!! And this is from someone who’s worked as a stylist before…

  12. I think it would help if anything. I’m uncomfortable with banter with strangers, but that outfit would make me slightly more comfortable chatting with a stranger wearing it. It’s colorful and makes it look like you don’t take yourself too seriously.

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