Do you respond with your name and a friendly nice to meet you back or just a nice to meet you without your name. It feels when people try to be nice and receptive, the receptivity is not given back when the other person is trying to get to know you.

  1. I mean, people don’t just do this out of the blue. What’s the situation? If it’s a networking event or something, of course I give my name. If it was just some random weirdo at the supermarket I might be a little more closed-off and suspicious.

  2. “Hi my name is” “what?l” “my name is” “who” “chika-chika slim shady”

  3. I don’t really say hi nice to meet you when being introduced to anyone..I usually say pleased to meet you and my name would have already been given by the person introducing us.

  4. If someone gives you their name, it’s polite to replay with your own.
    Everyone around me pretty much follows this rule.

  5. I usually don’t say nice to meet you, I just say “I’m Jim” but also I hate meeting new people.

  6. Hi, *Their Name*, nice to meet you. I’m *Your Name*. How do you know *the person you both know*, **their name**?

    Get their name out your mouth a couple times real quick and your brain might actually remember it.

  7. I was sure someone would have beaten me to it, I just wasn’t expecting it to be the first comment! 😂

  8. It depends on the context. People randomly coming up to me out of the air and introducing themselves while Im doing something catches me off guard and I just kind of brush them off. If I’m at a social event where we should introduce each other I basically do a textbook introduction, but only if they aren’t giving me weird salesman or preacher vibes.

  9. I wouldn’t necessarily give my name to a stranger in a parking lot. Definitely give my name at work related or planned social events.

  10. At total random? It’s 50/50 chance as to whether I’ll come back with something that amuses myself, or be honest and just give an actual nickname.

    If it’s in an environment I’d expect such a thing, I’ll usually respond in a friendly manner and give my first name.

  11. Are you going around introducing yourself to strangers in the supermarket or while standing in line?

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