What is the one thing you’d tell an 18-year-old?

  1. * No, you’re not an adult, yet, you still have to learn a lot
    * You’re young, but that changes a lot quicker than you realize. Follow your dreams now, take risks, experience and experiment!
    * That complicated guy you love, with who you’ve “gotten through so much”: Don’t settle for him! It actually does NOT have to be that hard, and he likely won’t change. If in doubt, leave.
    * Workout lightly, regularly. Not to look like a model, but to build a healthy body for the next decades

  2. Be who ever you are and don’t settle for anything less than you deserve 🥰 loads tbh don’t get married until you 30+ hahaha

  3. You may have the “power” of an adult. But you aren’t an adult

    Trust me. Learned that one the hard way.

  4. It’s okay to not know what the fuck you’re doing. That’s going to be the rest of your life, so you’ll get used to it.

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