Anywhere, I guess. But where in the US would I find the most shrimp in stores and menus? And just a bowl of whole boiled or smoked shrimp that I can peel open myself and devour?

  1. Depends what you’re willing to pay.

    The immediate thought is along the gulf, specifically Louisiana.

    I ate shrimp on Tuesday, but they were frozen from the grocery store. Fresh shrimp can be had near me, but they aren’t cheap.

  2. You can buy shrimp at pretty much any grocery store in the US, quality will vary by region and store itself.

    They will be most common at restaurants in the coastal south. That being said, shrimp are fairly easy to come by nation wide.

  3. If you are wanting to plan a trip around food, especially for seafood, I’d recommend New Orleans/Louisiana/Gulf Coast region.

  4. New Orleans. That’s where the shrimp is caught and arguably where it is prepared the best.

  5. Just about any seafood restaurant, and medium sized grocery stores. They’re everywhere. Gulf coast restaurants will have the freshest and maybe most varied dishes, but if all you want is a big pile of shrimp, they’re ubiquitous.

  6. Carolina coast down through Florida, around to the gulf. Fairly common around here to find peel-and-eat shrimp by the pound.

  7. Any place that specializes in seafood should have shrimp, regardless of where you are in the country. However, your best bet to get lots of fresh shrimp is probably on the Gulf Coast. Shrimp is a major part of the cuisine there.

  8. All over the southeast, but specifically the Gulf Coast states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida).

  9. Spot prawns are widely available on the West Coast and are delicious! My freezer’s full of ones I caught myself this summer.

  10. Louisiana, and nearby.

    Though I will note that in 3 decades of travelling to most of the states in the USA the only place I have got seriously sick from food I ate was New Orleans and it has happened twice. So I recommend you take care with the food hygiene of the places you eat at.

  11. I live in Houston where fresh shrimp abounds but on an anniversary trip to New Orleans, I had some variation of shrimp for every meal invluding breakfast.

  12. Fresh shrimp are available just about anywhere in the US, although the southeast coastal regions soecialize in it.

  13. Honestly, any populated area in US should have at least one or two reputable fishmonger shops where you can buy various types of fresh seafood.

    I live near Great Lakes, but VERY far from ocean, and when we’re in the mood for seafood, shrimp and anything else, we have a local fish market that has a great selection. Eating it in a restaurant around here is a bit more hit or miss though.

  14. For fresh you need to be by the oceans but you can get fresh frozen anywhere. Shrimp tends to be a popular item to go on sale and when it does we buy a few pounds and stash it in our deep freezer. You can get good shrimp all over the country.

  15. Yeah, Gulf Coast. Pensacola, Destin, Panama City, Perdido Key, Orange Beach, Gulf Shores, New Orleans, BFE Mississippi.

  16. Shrimp is pretty ubiquitous in the US, as far as i know. At least is very common here in East tn.

  17. Any coastal state from Maine down through New Jersey to Florida, across the southern coast through Mississippi and Texas straight to California and up the coat into Oregon and Washington. Of course cities like Chicago and St. Louis have shrimp too, but seafood options are more readily available in all coastal states.

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