My boyfriend (28m) and I (26f) have been together for about 11 months. We have had a lot of ups and downs. However, recently I have been feeling like a burden more than anything.

I feel like even me just being around gets on his nerves. He never really wants to go out or spend time together. He would much rather just play video games with any extra time he has. I get it I love playing games to but I also love him and want to spend some one on one time with him. The time we do get together he is just on his phone watching whatnot steams.

I’m starting to feel hopeless on what to do. I try so hard to keep him happy and to not stir the pot and to not make him do things he doesn’t want to. But it is always at my expense. He gets irritated when i try to talk to him about his day when I pick him up from work. But then if I leave him alone and don’t say anything I have a problem and I’m never happy….when I ask to go on a date or watch movies or even play video games with his friends and him it seems like an annoyance and like he’s irritated. He gets irritated when I want to cuddle to much or ask for kisses to often but if I don’t do those things then I have an issue and now he’s mad because he thinks I am upset and have some sort of issue with him.

He flat out will ignore me when I try to talk to him sometimes because like I said when he’s not playing games he’s watching streams on whatnot. He will sit there and text and laugh with people on the stream or his friends on xbox but with me I get no emotion no matter how hard I try. I’m trying to do everything right I’m trying to take on the load of any extra work that needs to be done so he has time to relax and I just get coldness from him more often then not.

Even today I set up plans with my friend so her son and his could hangout and carve pumpkins and so we could hangout and it was just him being distant the whole time. Barley paying attention to me or his son. Then seeing him compared to how my friends partner treated her and their son kinda broke my heart. He even on the way there exploded on me for asking for my car keys while he was trying to eat.

Anytime I bring up doing an activity with me or my family or my friends it is a burden and an inconvenience to him. I want to try to make things work and make things better. I want the kind man that I first met. That was so excited to be around me and that was gentle with me and that included me in everything back. I feel so hopeless at this point. Any time I try to talk about things I’m the problem and I’m just trying to start a fight….

I love him and his son very much. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t feel loved..I don’t feel like I have someone who has my back like I have his. I feel like more of a convenience to him then anything. I cant talk to anyone about it, because i don’t want them to have a bad image of him. I’m hurting so much tho and I truly don’t know how to make things better at this point. What did I do wrong to make things like this.

TL;DR- Boyfriend of 11 months has been annoyed with me just even being around. He use to be very kind and caring and happy to be around me. Now even just asking to do aomething with him puts him in a very bad mood. I don’t know what I did wrong and I just want to fix things and be back to how they use to be.

1 comment
  1. Ive never related to something so much, I was trying to describe my (26f) situation with my boyfriend (26m) of 2.5 years and It was too long to type but yes this! Started happening when we moved across the country after 6 months (yeah I know) and since hes my first boyfriend and I dont want to lose my dog (his dog) AND we are pretty financially dependent on eachother I cant seem to cut the cord. Him and I connected and clicked so well in the beginning and even after fights now we both say we want to fix things and go back to how it was but our ideas of fixing things are different. im going on a trip for a few days with friends soon and I think this could be our last chance for him to realize if he wants to be with me or not after some time apart. I dont have advice but I just had to comment and let you know you’re not alone.

    I heard a coworker of mine say once that her and her now husband almost broke up once because their relationship got so bad seemingly like mine and then they moved to another state and had never been happier and unfortunately I hold on to that story hoping it will become my reality.💔

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