How many selfies do you take?

  1. Zero. I’m not looking for validation, and I own a mirror that appears to have come with some kind of pre-installed ‘dad’ filter. **:-)**

  2. A small handful a year if I want to make a memory of something I’m doing or share what I’m up to with friends and family. A few private ones to have some record of what I looked like for fitness progress. Zero “look at me” selfies for social media.

  3. None, now that I’m off social media. I never took many though, maybe one every few years. I think I’m pretty ugly and nobody wants to see this mug.

  4. Only if I need to show something funny like my 110 pound dog piled into my lap or if my wife asks because my arms are longer.

    I’m not dead sure the first kind counts, I try to cut my face out if it’s not necessary for the joke.

  5. I went through a breakup and, when cleaning out my photos, realized I didn’t have a single photo from 2019-2022 without my ex in it. So now I make the effort to take some selfies, make my friends take photos with me, and so on. Now this part of my life as an individual won’t be essentially lost to time.

  6. Very few unless I’m specifically taking it to send to my girlfriend which happens maybe once or twice a month.

  7. Way too many. I’m kinda vain. It’s not for likes, I just like looking good. It’s just my hobby, I do it for fun. I have basically no friends in real life because I’m kind of a shut-in, so I don’t get any likes. I got bullied a lot in middle and high school and I guess this is how I’m reclaiming that.

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