I was recently naked with a guy I started seeing. Many times, he called me cute, very pretty and sexy and told me how much he wanted me. We played with the line to having sex but since it was just our second date and I both need more of an emotional connection to have sex and will inevitably feel more emotionally attached if I do have sex, we settled for fingering, groping and teasing.

We are into each other, although it’s new, on a mental/emotional level and are getting to know each other better. To be honest, I’m not totally sold on my physical attraction to him just yet. I was basically neutral when we first met but found myself laughing deeply right away. And by date 2, I was like…cute! Okay! I think I may need to give it more time to feel it out.

But back to my predicament, after over and under the clothes touching, I went to take off my bra. My body is 5’5” 110 lbs, 32A. I’m also pretty fit. So I got the petite, athletic thing going. I feel confident about my body, except for my boobs. It goes back and forth and I’m working on it. Now, I think I’m being a little nuts, but aside from one ex, who said when he first saw them with kind of an adoring smile “I like your little boobs,” I’ve realized no one has had really reacted in a very turned on way in person from seeing them for the first time. And this is what my insecurity hinges on, like first impressions. But I don’t know if I’m totally projecting here and assuming the worst. Although my exes haven’t always been super verbal about saying they love them, my boobs are always grabbed at, licked, nipples nibbled and feel well loved.

Is it possible that straight guys just don’t know the vocabulary for complimenting small boobs because it’s something women are often insecure about? When I actually get into a relationship and ask, I’m frequently told they prefer small boobs or that they love them because they often come with bodies like mine. But I guess, most guys I’m with say a lot more about my ass because it’s a little disproportionately big on my body and they seem more into butts in general. I guess I’ve usually not felt the same lust for my boobs as my butt but I’m also likely an unreliable narrator.

I have a NSFW account and the comments pour in about the boobs. But it’s kind of like online hasn’t matched up to real life in that one area. Do other women get an eyes popping out of their head moment when they’re first topless? Or am I just totally overthinking this.

  1. I personally like small boobs and a round but not wide butt. It may be that even though a compliment is genuine, it sounds fake because big boobs are “supposed” to be better than small ones, therefore guys are uncomfortable saying something. I feel like I sound like a creep when I say I like small boobs because someone may think I mean that I like girls instead of women.

  2. Guy here, I think most guys who aren’t shallow idiots won’t be phased by the size of your boobs. Personally I like the combo of physical traits that my wife has and it’s been that way throughout my personal dating experience. Nice ass, legs, pretty face and whatever size boobs were great.

    If someone were to obsess in a negative way I’d say it’s a red flag anyway.

    (My wife is an A btw)

  3. Coming from someone who is larger chested, I have had guys all over them and other guys barely look at them or touch them. I think it’s preference.

  4. Just so you know there are subreddits like r/aa_cups and r/flatchested and r/flatties

    They wouldn’t exist if guys didn’t like.

  5. I love small boobs. Not sure why but I prefer them. They look so sexy. Just cruise Reddit porn and I’m sure you’ll agree there are some sexy bods here with tiny breasts. Also your athletic dims sound sexy. Would be out of place to have big tits on a slim body like that.

    And big or small I always give them all the same attention. Tiny boobs you can’t grab the same way but there is still so much you can do to appreciate them.

  6. Yeah I’m bigger than 32A (I’m more 32B/32C) and guys have shamed me. I post NSFW pics so I’ve received bad feedback on here too. But the vast majority of feedback has been positive. I posted on this subreddit about a guy I was seeing casually who shamed my boobs not too long ago. It really hit my self-esteem. Tbh all these subreddits that show support for small breasts aren’t a reflection of reality in my opinion. There’s also (NSFW) r/breastenvy. In reality, bigger is better. Men drool over big tits. It’s all ever big tits this, big tits that. Do they ever talk about itty bitties? Lol heck no. But we’ll be told it’s all in our head, and I’ll get downvoted for speaking the truth. I hope to get a boob job someday. I’m 100% convinced every woman with small boobs has gone through the same insecure feelings. There are plenty of stories online from women with small boobs if you just google it. Oh and my post got removed for some reason, I bet it wouldn’t if I had tig ol’ bitties.

    That being said, most guys won’t care in reality, but very few will genuinely prefer a small boob size over bigger. Lots will actually like it though, and lots will not like it but won’t mind it.

    Just remember your worth. You are pretty and guys aren’t perfect.

  7. People can be sensitive sometimes around receiving compliments related to size. There is a common bigger is better mentality that isn’t really good for anyone either the men or the women. I personally feel like overall proportion is more important than cup size or height or weight or any other measurement.

    Sometimes seeing someone naked or topless can be a nerve wracking time too. Not trying to make excuses for anyone but maybe offer some possible thoughts.

  8. Am a member of the itty bitty titty commitee, Im a B cup, but I have been pregnant and breast fed my child so my small boobies also changed in shape and all. It was first a bit of a blow, but it has never bothered my partners. I’ve been told they love my boobs and I don’t doubt that they do.

    Not everything is about size. Its shape, feel, taste and presentation. He’ll love your boobs and you should too.

  9. Everyone has a preference as to what they think they like, but honestly, everyone is attractive, and I think when it comes to verballizing that in person, people do struggle.

    It’s very easy to comment on size instantly because it’s the first thing people notice, and unfortunately, society and social media have spread the misinformation that bigger is preferred. The reality, however, is very different.

    I wouldn’t try to place too much importance on the verbiage used as I am sure everyone who is in a position to comment is massively appreciated of the opportunity.

  10. Sporty boobs are hot as fuck. I couldnt care less what sized boobs a woman has – the skin is still going to smell and taste great, the nipples will be sensitive and I want to lick and play with all of it. I understand your self consciousness – but most of us blokes are just super excited you want to be naked with us at all!

  11. I’m 46. Pretty small tits. In my 20s & 30s, I felt like it mattered. But now I really give no fucks. Same as you, physically fit & our body types do not work with big boobs.
    Love what you got babe, I bet you’re just the way you should be ❤️

  12. We can be insecure about ourselves. I am insecure about penis size and I can admit that it is below average, and I have heard a couple say I thought it would be bigger due to my size of being 6’3″ with a muscular build.

    32A … my wife is a 32B and I love them. But she is also the one that says they are small. She has joked more about my penis being small than I have about her boobs, but most of it is tongue and cheek.

    In the end, he complimented them, and while you feel apprehensive about them, if you feel sexy about yourself overall, just be you and live life. Having small boobs or short dicks doesn’t define us or our sex lives. Someone will like you for you and embrace that. Sexy is sexy no matter how it is packaged.

  13. “Is it possible that straight guys just don’t know the vocabulary for complimenting small boobs because it’s something women are often insecure about?”

    This is super fascinating OP, I think you nailed it. I love small boobs and I don’t really know how to compliment them the way I should. Like I can talk about how beautiful the nipple is, but it’s hard to think of what else to say. I hate to say they are just cute or adorable, but that’s what comes to mind, and you’re here wanting to be sexy, not just cute. But I think you’re right, it might be a language thing, and since it’s your insecure point you’re going into doubt and worry rather than focusing on other signs like how they might look at them, or touch them, or use their mouth. I wonder if any of those signs show what they really feel better than their words

  14. Ofc porn has made whopper boobs the idealistic/realistic preference for a subset of men, me personally small = cute too big and I’d be lost what to do with all of that 😂

  15. Obviously he’s into you, some guys are boob guys, some guys prefer butts, just find someone who likes you and concentrate on that. If he was into big boobs only he probably wouldn’t be trying to get in your pants to begin with.

  16. Male here, personally I prefer small boobs. I don’t know why, it’s just always been my preference. My advice with insecurities is to just get comfortable in your own skin, accept your body for all its perfections as well as flaws. This underlying confidence is what is really attractive.

  17. I’m a man. I’m going to say it, because it has to be said:

    Boobs are boobs! *starts a chant*

    Men are happy to see them or touch them (those who say no are ignoring their deep and primal instincts too much). No matter their size.

  18. > Is it possible that straight guys just don’t know the vocabulary for complimenting small boobs because it’s something women are often insecure about?

    Well, yeah probably.

    I’m not straight but I wouldn’t know where to start either. My girlfriend is a double J and it’s very easy for me to compliment them. It’s probably because of porn if I’m completely honest.

  19. A big advantage of small boobs is that a woman can ride cowgirl very aggressively without having her boobs flop around and get sore.

  20. > So I got the petite, athletic thing going.

    > they seem more into butts in general.

    This is gonna be a bit blunt, but to me it seems like you are surprised, that you are attracting people who are into your body type. Which isn’t surprising at all, if you think about it…

  21. I think you’re missing a key concept here, guys probably do not assume you’re not ok with your size since most guys like any kind of boobs, and even if they did, complimenting it out of the blue might sound like they are only complimenting because they feel the insecurity
    about it from you.
    My point is, not complimenting something on someone else might just mean that it’s obvious for the other party that it’s perfectly fine and theres no need for specific “attention”.

  22. When I was in the early stages of my relationship with my wife, I definitely struggled to express my preference to her boobs. She too was quite petite (5 foot 4 101 lbs also A cup)…which is what I like. Tits are sorta like cocks for a girl, since we know it may be a point of insecurity, we don’t know how to complement them. The biggest difference is there are actually a ton of men who love small tits where there may be the odd girl here or there that likes small dicks.

  23. *I really have zero advice, I’m just here to commiserate with you*
    I have small boobs(not sure on size honestly, you can check them out but be warned about my nsfw profile) and I am also extremely insecure about them. No matter how many times my man says he loves them and shows them so much love, I still have super negative feelings towards them when I see myself in the mirror naked.
    On the other hand, I had 3 kids in 5 years and my boobs legit got up to DDs – and I hated them even more because, just like you, I’m very small (5’4, 125) and they looked SO weird to me on my body.
    I agree with you on the “online vs real life” because I’ve been complimented and praised for them online for years, and then just like you said in real-life it has gotten kind of weird in the past.
    Obviously some men really DO love small boobs, but I feel like you nailed it on the head that maybe they dont always know how to compliment them in the moment because of our own insecurities about them. Hell I can remember growing up how having bigger boobs was always seen as being more feminine, sexier, hotter, and it’s just a really hard spot to be in sometimes.

  24. Everyone is different. Some of us adore smaller boobs and some just the opposite. You be you and and not worry about what others say, yes I know it is easier said then done. Bottom line the right person will come along. Full believer in fate and karma. Have a good day ☀️

  25. I got a boob job and my husband says he misses my small boobs. I don’t think he dislikes my big ones but he doesn’t obsess over them like he does my butt. He never obsessed much over my small boobs either. I think it just depends on the guy. Everyone has preferences. There are definitely guys with an obsession over small boobs and would fawn over them, you probably just haven’t been with one. Then there are going to be guys who just couldn’t care less one way or another, but I wouldn’t take it as them being turned off by it or disliking them.

  26. How do you feel about your boobs?

    Forget everything about what’s “supposed” to be what, and forget about everyone else for the mintue.


    How do *you* feel about your boobs.



    That’s the only opinion that matters.

  27. It’s cause you are attracting ass men. They actually don’t care. Your ass is great and they love it. In my experience (small boobs) it just doesn’t matter that much to them. They are happy with any boobs because the booty is what they came for.

    Also, I think most men are just happy to have a naked woman there. They are judging you way less than you think they are (or not at all). I wouldn’t worry about this.

  28. I think you’re heavily projecting here. Not all men care about boobs. I’ve never had one complain and mine are quite small. It sounds like you are dating people who are unworthy of you. No one should be shaming anyone else for their body. You need to learn how to spot and avoid these people. You don’t deserve to feel terrible. Also, your small boobs are less prone to drooping so you don’t have to worry about gravity as much as you age

  29. Everything you noted in your post concerning what men have said about your body and how they’ve physically interacted with you indicates they appreciate your body and find you very desirable. Yet, in your head you seem focused on self generated inadequacies. I suggest taking the words and actions of your current and past partners as genuine reflections of what they think of you and your body. Own your body! Take pride in a physique that men clearly find sexy and desirable. You’ve got it!

  30. I think having an NSFW account you got addicted to boob comments and then feel let down when it doesn’t happen in real life, Reddit isn’t real life

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