My bf tells me he loves me right after he finishes. Do people mean this or is this just something they say

  1. Impossible to tell. He probably doesn’t even know himself if it’s genuine. Love is a weird thing it’s not a concrete objective binary thing like “yes / no”. It’s a subjective feeling and a constantly changing one, and it is a feeling that is in degrees, like on a scale. You could make a scale from 1-100. Love is not stable. It changes. Or like a famous kid on YouTube said “I love you mommy, but not all the time, only when you give me cookies”. After he just came he seems to love you or says it to make you feel loved. Maybe he doesn’t love you all the time but perhaps he loves you at that moment.

  2. I know what you mean. Sometimes when I’m having good sex I think damn I love this girl. It could just be loving the moment to be honest.

  3. Is it during the climax or right after?

    If he’s saying during, that’s a bit sus. If he’s saying it after, as in *during post-nut clarity* then that’s the most genuine “I love you” a girl can get.


  4. I told my bf during sex that “I wanted him” meaning relationship. It was very genuine, I just didnt have the courage to spit it out any other time. I was thinking it all day.

  5. Sexual release makes men feel like they are finally home.

    Sex is one of the most powerful ways a man expresses his love for a woman. This is why men are often confused over the accusation of just wanting sex from a woman. When men have sex, they feel a much more emotional connection than a simple bodily release.

    Sadly, many women don’t know this about their male counterparts and would shame men for something like this.

    Women may desire for an emotional connection before having a physical connection, but for men sexual connection is often necessary to feel safe enough for emotional vulnerability.

    When your guy makes love to you and tells you he loves you, you better believe him !

  6. I say it before, during, and after.

    Sex can be very connecting, and you can feel the closest to your partner during it. I do.

    Does he say it outside of sex? Does he treat you like he loves you in general?

  7. I can only speak for myself but it would be genuine for me I don’t really just say I love you in general

  8. Let’s just say that anyone can say “I love you” at any time and they might mean it or they might not mean it.

    They can mean it at that moment and then 3 months down the line , they don’t mean it anymore because they’re broken up with you.

    So in my opinion take it for what it’s worth . when he says it, you can say it back to him. Don’t try to figure out about how real or genuine it is when someone says they love you.

    Now actions are another thing if they say they love you but their actions aren’t really showing it then you have a better idea that their words have little meaning but if they say they love you and their actions also show it then you can have more confidence of what their words mean when they say it

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