This isn’t just asking for pity. If you want to say that to make me feel worse then I genuinely ask you to not say it at all.

I feel pathetic. I know that the reason I can’t get a solid date is due to the fact that I’m not as attractive as others. I know I should be positive about my body and I’m trying my best to, but embracing a body I’ve always hated since I hit puberty is a hard thing to do that takes time.

I just want to feel sexy. I’m 5’0, and I have big thighs and a big butt. I don’t really have a waist but I have a stomach and big boobs. Full disclosure, I have back chub and I overall am finding it difficult to lose weight. Makeup never looks right on my skin and I’m not skilled at it. I’ve tried working out, I’ve tried dieting. I’ve tried to look at my body and think it’s beautiful, but no dice. I’ve been trying these things for years.

I’m too young to hate my body. I should be out living it up and enjoying myself. But I’m just stuck in a rut wishing someone found me the least bit attractive as I am now. I want a love life.

Edit: I work out regularly and have been seen by a doctor. I am NOT asking for any advice. I am venting. I do not want advice. Please do not come in here calling me unhealthy. I don’t care. I am not asking for pity, either. I said that before.

  1. Sadly being unhealthy is usually a turn off. You could try and date other people who are unhealthy, or you can really fight to lose the weight and get into shape.

    I’ll give the same advice I give to men. Nobody owes you romantic interest. You have to earn it.

  2. Have you gotten a physical recently? That way you can address these issues with a doctor and they can request certain bloodwork to at the very least rules things out. You mentioned dieting and working out, but did you actually meet with a nutritionist and/or a license trainer?

    Also, what’s going on with your skin?

  3. This is just my personal opinion.
    I find girls that dress nicely very attractive more than girls that just have desireable face/body. Perhaps you could try with different fashion styles to make your characteristics stand out.

  4. Looks got nothing to do with dating girl. Im considered beautiful yet got my heartbroken. Men like the chase, hot and cold behaviour i guess. Also, given u have thick body you’re 100x attractive to me.

  5. I respect that you see the utility of venting and are able to recognize when you need to do it and express that that’s the nature of your post. A lot of people lack the insight to do that.

  6. You are the youngest you’ll ever be. Probably the skinniest also, if you’re not planning on losing weight. The older you get the harder it is to lose weight. One day you’ll realise how beautiful you were at nineteen.

  7. Im sure you look attractive. You are probably just too much on social media. Im sure your personality is extremely attractive, because thats also a big w

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