Thinking of doing the first step but I don’t know how to start the conversation. Bonus points if you can also tell me what to avoid. Thank you!!

  1. It’s like the easiest thing in the world to initiate conversation.

    Literally hi, my name is… and it’s off. That’s not even with women, its with anyone. Im a super social person. I look for reasons to talk and im pretty good at carrying conversations.

  2. Ask a question that exposes you as — as nervous, apprehensive, guarded, principled, as me.
    It’s ok to be human.

  3. “Hey”

    Although lately the in person initiations seem to be about my kids and I can’t respond the way I want to

  4. A lot depends on the setting.

    If you are in some random public location — a grocery store or bus stop or something — you are probably better off with something immediate and relevant. “I hope this rain stops!” if you are outside and it is raining, for instance. “Do you know where the canned black olives are?” if you are in a grocery store, and are actually looking for black olives.

    If you are in some event, you have that in common. “Hi! So, are you bidding on stuff for the silent auction, or are you someone who put up something to bid?”

    If the guy says, “Excuse me, I have to go,” or some variation on that, when he responds, then he probably doesn’t want to be drawn into the conversation. Don’t follow him, or offer to go with him.

  5. It would be very difficult. You would have to say something interesting in a captivating way.

  6. Most of the time a simple “Hey, how’s it going?” and then steering the conversation into whatever you want or whatever is happening usually does the trick.

  7. Idk, everytime women tried to initiate a conversation with me they were pretty creepy, i guess saying hi and then stating your intentions would do the job

  8. As a gas station worker who likes to turn small talk into a conversation, just be interested in the conversation and have thought out responses and not the “yeah” or “ohhh” responses.

  9. Huh.. I thought women were no longer interested in getting to know men

    I’m confused I tell ya. The ones online who think they speak on behalf of all women like to tell others how all women are apparently “dropping out” of dating men or getting to know men or some insane shit like that

    In all seriousness, just say hi and ask a question about the place you’re at or something and conversation can start. I’ve had a woman literally say “Like your shirt” when I was when a band shirt and a conversation started.

  10. Start with something I’m into or something random/funny. Or a direct comment on something you saw me do/say. Please do not just open with “hi.” It’s so weird.

  11. Find an aspect about the woman that you can start a conversation with. When women approach me, they always compliment me on my hair color (I’m a ginger). Do something similar. That’s a conversation starter. “Hi, how you’ doin’?” isn’t a conversation starter.

  12. Notice something you like that he seems to like to, walk up to him, say hi and start a conversation about that: it’s eventually gonna drift into other topics and he’ll continue to talk as long as he has stuff to say and you don’t seem willing to stop the chat.

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