I wish I never had to make this post but here we are. I (M32) got married to my wife (F29) an year ago and it looks like we just not compatible. Hence, I am thinking of separating.This entire experience of being married has left me with the feeling that being married or being in a relationship is just not for me.So, is it survivable to be alone throughout your life? Would it be too sad?

  1. I’m single and have always been single and always will be single and I am very happy this way. Relationships are not for everyone.

    It’s okay to want to be single for a while. Just like it would also be okay if a few years down the road you decided you wanted to give a relationship a go again. Or you might decide you want to be single forever, and that’s okay too.

  2. After my divorce I could not be happier. Living alone, no pressure, no nonsense, freedom. Don’t think I’ll be giving it up again in this lifetime

  3. After being single for a while I wasn’t sure if I could ever go back to being married because I loved it so much.

  4. I’d rather be single and lonely sometimes than be with the wrong person.

    When I was with the wrong person (who also happened to be bipolar, an addict/alcoholic, and a narcissist), I had never felt more lonely in my life.

  5. I hate being single. But some people love it. Nothing wrong with you either way.

    And you can always feel one way now, and change your mind later.

  6. It’s entirely your call.

    Jesus was single all his life I believe 🤔 unless there is any romance part I am not aware in the bible.

  7. Some people are very happy being single forever. Some are happy (and need to) be single for quite a time after a failed long term relationship. Some aren’t. But definitely don’t think you’re too old to find someone new if you do ever decide to date again- my husband was 36 when I met him, and I’m his second wife (I’d never been married when we met)

  8. I day dream about it daily now that my kids are grown. I think it’s totally doable with a decent income. The struggle / temptation is when there isn’t enough earnings to make it on your own.

    It feels way lonlier to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t care about you, than to actually be alone..

    It must be Blissful not picking up other people’s stuff or cleaning messes they don’t want to admit even exist.

  9. Survival is pitiful sounding. You can *thrive* while single. Discover who you are, what you want, achieve goals! I’m single right now and honestly I think I’m just going to settle in for that.

    My personal experiences have made me jaded and I have a lot of trauma surrounding relationships. Logically I’m probably not ready to be a good partner. I need a lot of therapy just to get myself sane and ok. Trying to add another person in the mix isn’t right to them or to myself. Because when you are in a relationship you are at least somewhat responsible for some part of their happiness. Don’t leave them with more baggage you know?

    If it makes you happy that’s all that matters. Do what you want to do man

  10. Definitely cheaper – especially if there is a gap in earning power or your spouse decides marriage means early retirement.

  11. I’ve been married for 5 years and there is a lot of the time that I wish there was no one else in my life. I could come and go as I please, eat what I want when I want – I think it is 100% possible to be totally and completely content being alone.

  12. It depends on what makes you the happiest. I don’t think it’s good to get into a relationship because you don’t want to be single. I enjoy being married, however my spouse and I get along 98 of the time and we enjoy each other’s company and I could not imagine my life without him.

  13. It’s more about the reason you want to be divorced and live alone. It’s possible if you truly are not interested in a relationship period. Is it more about her or you?

  14. Some of the happiest people I knew were single all their lives. It depends on the person.

  15. I know multiple older women now that never married where im from (puerto rico). Especially women that had tons of siblings. I’ve seen multiple cases where they rather help their sisters raise their kids than get with a man.

  16. But why not just find the right person in your own time? Why jump to being forever single lol

  17. It would not be sad at all. I’ve been divorced for 18 years. After my divorce I felt like I wanted to get married again but I had two daughters and a son that I had to raise. So I decided not to start dating until I got them all into college. Well, that time came and went and I still haven’t started dating yet. I am now 59 and with the divorce rate, catfishing, and the horrible dating apps, I have talked myself out of it. But with all of that being said. I have a full life and really don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything.

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