How do you deal with being “too intimidating/pretty” to be asked out?

  1. I shouldn’t be the one to deal with it. Its their lost .. Plus I am grateful for being like that because it saves me from people that do not deserve me.

  2. For the record, this is not meant to be a brag. I’m often told men are intimidated by my personality or that I’m too intimidating to talk to, and I feel like it’s getting in the way of any possible relationships.

  3. Ask people out instead! Screw social norms, if you like someone, go for it!

  4. Then your not worth my time.

    I don’t mean this arrogantly but if you don’t have the guts to talk to me now what would change your mind later?

    Also it sounds so cheesy to me

  5. Anyone who says that out loud is negging you and isn’t worth your time.

    Also it’s 2022 and you can ask people out if you like them

  6. I’m tall and that intimidates a lot of men. Usually I just ignore them as they are not worth my time.

  7. How is your body language when you go out in public? What about your interactions with other people, like staff and friends while you are out? Looks are only one tiny facet of someone, but observing a person’s behavior is way more telling of character. Try to offset an unapproachable appearance with approachable behaviors and temperament.

  8. If they don’t have the courage to approach me, they don’t get to be with me. If there’s someone you like and you want to encourage them, ask them if they want to get coffee or grab lunch. Get to know them on a casual level and see what happens.

  9. You don’t want to date the ones who tell you that; they’re telling you to be less than you are and take your self-confidence down a couple pegs.

  10. One of the best guys I ever had the pleasure to date and know thought I was too intimidating to ask out, so I made it clear myself I liked him was interested in getting to know him better than just casual friends and worked out really well! Unfortunately life had other plans and he passed away, but it taught me to take the chances I thought I didn’t have and to not take being called intimidating too personally.

  11. Looks are not everything. If they don’t want to date you because of looks or are intimidated because of looks, they are weeding themselves out. You shouldn’t date people that only see looks.

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