I’ve been talking to this guy, he wants to make it official but I’ve been holding out bc it’s still pretty soon but it’s definitely a romantic relationship of some sort.

Today he sent me a picture of the princess of his country and said she’s beautiful and then sent me a video of the women from his country and said that women of this ethnicity are very beautiful. Which I definitely agree but I felt like it crossed a line since I’m a completely different ethnicity with very different features.

I didn’t mind the first picture but the video set me off and I told him that was inappropriate. He then said I was jealous. I told him I’m not jealous, it just makes me uncomfortable that he frequently talks about how beautiful the women of his country are when I don’t look anything like them and he’s never said anything about my people and our beauty. Then he said that these conversations are normal between friends….we’re clearly not just friends although we haven’t made things official. And then he told me it’s probably a cultural difference that people can talk more openly in his culture about the beauty of women.

Am I being jealous over nothing? And is it too soon to feel jealous?

  1. Are you sure you are more than friends? Could be another one of his cultural bullshit things. And that’s just what it is. Bullshit. The dude doesn’t know how to conduct himself. I don’t care what ethnicity he is. Ethnicity is used as an excuse for way too many things these days. no, that’s just what we call rude. Being rude doesn’t know a skin color or a nationality. Drooling over other women in front of the person that you are dating is completely inappropriate. Oh yes, and look at him deflect instead of addressing your concerns. Honestly, I would be having second thoughts about continuing things with him. Especially since he used the term friend. Are you sure you’re not more than that to him? At least if he just considered you a friend, it wouldn’t be nearly as offensive, though very abnormal to talk about it with women. Personally, I say run 🏃‍♀️

  2. Send him pictures of the hottest guys in your country since he likes to talk about this topic!

    He sounds dumb, are you sure you want to make it official with this guy?

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