Men, what’s the most scared you’ve ever been in your life?

  1. I almost got kidnapped on the side of the road when I was young. That has to be the most I’ve ever been scared.

  2. Mom came at Dad with a knife, he ran into my room, woke me up and held me between them, the idea being that she wouldn’t hurt me to get to him. I was like 7 and still get night terror episodes about it in my 30s, lol.

  3. Skied off the edge of a piste to a sheer drop and had a short period of hangtime where I was convinced I was going to die before I hit some netting.

  4. When I went to the ER in 2020 thinking I had Covid and wanting to get tested to confirm and talk to a doctor about the symptoms I was experiencing, but then it turned out that I had massive blood clots in both of my lungs and I got rushed to the ICU.

  5. Broke up with gf in college (via phone over summer), she threatened to kill herself, told me was cutting herself, then drove out somewhere still threatening to harm herself. Called 911 for her location, turns out she had picked up a friend and was fine….

    She called later and asked why I was so shaken, asking what was wrong….

  6. Swimming in the ocean as a teen many years ago and being pulled further out by the under current…. started panicking and swam for my life, havent been in the ocean since.

  7. Knowing I was gonna be told I was positive for HIV.

    Just waiting, at clinic, but already knowing what they were going to say. Being brought in, sitting down, watching their mouth just say the words and make it real.

    I can’t even describe how scary that is. It’s like a feeling of being cold all over. Like a shock, cold hands, cold everything.

  8. A girl told me she was going to call the cops on me for rape and abuse and she had already posted on social media about it.

    I broke up with her the day before and this was her “revenge” for not working things out.

  9. Was in the mountains of TN going about 100mph+ on the round of the highway, roads were moist, car turned sideways and for a good ten seconds I was looking down the road through my driver’s window. The front of the car was facing the mountainside, the rear facing the 6-7ft concrete median barrier separating the traffic going the other way as I slid down the road. Managed to oversteer and understeer into the shoulder right next to the mountain and fearfully thought I slammed the mountainside totaling the car, but only had to replace “upgrade ;)” my wheels and suspension

  10. I was a hotshot firefighter for the us forest service. Got caught in a burn over and had to deploy my shelter. Got 2nd degree burns on my skin that was not covered by no-mex or leather gloves. Sounded like a freight train going by 100 mph. The fire was sucking so much O2 that it was trying to pull the shelter up. Scared the crap outa a19 yr old just working for college money

  11. Delirium tremens withdrawal after 4-5 months straight of drinking at least two fifths of cheap vodka daily. Stopped cold turkey one weekend and went into convulsive hallucinatory withdrawals like Nick Cage in Leaving Las Vegas. The sleeplessness, the fire ants under my skin, the hot/cold heavy sweating, the dark sense of impending doom, the nonstop shaking and nausea, the TERROR. Oh God. Thanks for reminding me why I finally stopped drinking.

  12. When I was a kid a woman made me strip in front of her and she put my penis in her mouth. I didn’t know much about sex, definitely had no idea what a blowjob was, and thought she was going to bite it off, so I was just telling myself this is going to hurt and you have to be a good boy and not cry. But then I started thinking, what am I going to do about peeing? And I started freaking out but I was so scared I could hardly move

  13. Most scared I’ve ever been was during my wife’s labor/delivery.

    The anesthesiologist put her epidural dosing in the wrong place and ended up making her entire body numb up through her neck. Then she blew a massive clot and blood literally shot out of her body.

    The fear of losing her, of losing our baby, of maybe being a single father all ran through my head.

    Thankfully, it all passed and we’re now a happy little family.

  14. My mom has severe mental illness. There were a number of times when I was a kid where she’d be driving the car way too fast/slow, swerving between lanes, hitting curbs/medians, driving on the wrong side of the road, all while rambling gibberish and screaming at me for being scared.

    The scariest time was when it happened on the freeway while our two dogs were in the backseat. I was too young to know how to drive, and she had a weekly habit of cutting off my cell service so I wasn’t able to call for help. I had to wait for her to deliriously unlock her phone and call my grandma, while still swerving like crazy. Once she did I grabbed the phone from her hand and she started screaming that I had “clawed her face” (I hadn’t) and refusing to pull over because I was being “ridiculous” “dramatic” “controlling” etc. I was terrified thinking that if I don’t stop this, I’m going to be the reason we all die.

    Finally she got off the freeway and pulled into some random parking lot in a bad part of town, then instantly passed out with her head on the steering wheel. It was night time and I had to figure out where the hell we were so I could tell my grandma to come pick us up. When she got there, one of the dogs escaped from their collar and started running. My adrenaline must’ve been high because I managed to outrun and catch a German Shepherd. The bad part was, I was so used to my mom’s behavior that when my friend said that this wasn’t normal, I said “It’s okay, she was just tired.”

  15. Few years back, I was walking alone to a friend’s house at night and a guy on the other side of the street in all black clothes started crossing once he thought I was past him and wouldn’t see him. First he crossed diagonally, then arced his path to beeline towards me from my 4 o’clock. I pulled my pocket knife out and stopped walking to face him. He kept approaching so I flicked it open and took a step onto the road towards him when he was about 10 feet away. He stopped silently, shuffled a bit staring at the ground, then turned and walked away.

    I don’t know what he wanted, or what he had his hand on in his pocket, but I knew I wasn’t getting away without a fight unless I put him on his heels. Was it reckless of me? Yeah, for sure. Nobody gets out of a knife fight with all their blood inside them. But I wasn’t about to give him the space or time to show me that I brought a knife to a gunfight, and he wasn’t coming to ask me for the time so I acted.

  16. A few years ago I thought I was having a heart attack. Really thought I was gonna die it was terrifying

  17. when I was a kid I had a creature in the corner talking to me, we spoke and played for months. now after seeing the videos online of people filming similar I get shivers.

  18. Two things. The first, in retrospect wasnt super scared, but drove myself to the hospital with chest and shoulder pain (heart attack symptoms) by myself. Parents were across the world in Europe, and turns out I had a hole in my stomach (perforated peptic ulcer). Emergency surgery, went under by 1:30 am. Probably didnt fully register how serious it was until I couldnt sit still for an EKG and was trying to hold back vomiting from the pain when the adrenaline wore off.

    The second, probably the most terrifying night of my life. Was on the phone with my older bro and he seemed out of it. He lives a couple cities away, so it’s not like I could go over to hangout. He was saying sorry and apologizing, and then hung up (was walking in a park near a bridge in his city, and said he was gonna walk that direction). I called back cus I thought something was off, no answer. Parents were once again overseas (they travel for work a lot). Ended up calling the police to do a wellness check and they picked him up from the bridge. Had seen a similar “goodbye” from a fraternity brother who passed away from suicide, and those ten minutes where I had no confirmation were the longest of my life.

  19. Probably when my oldest kid had to be rushed to a *different* hospital once we found out that not only had her appendix already burst, it had burst likely a week earlier, and they had no idea how bad it would be yet and the hospital we were at wasn’t equipped to deal with it.

    She came out of it entirely fine. Resilient as fuck, that one.

  20. Not sure. I’ve buried all of that horrific childhood shit pretty deep and I don’t care to dig it up.

  21. I was in the observation deck of the Tokyo Tower during the massive 9.1 earthquake in 2011. The tower swayed 11 feet in either direction as the earthquake rolled. You could not stand up. I was lying prone on the floor, listening to the steel creak and groan. I was 100% sure the building would collapse, and I would fall 35 floors to the ground. The second the tower stopped swaying, I hit the fire escape exit and booked it down the stairs on the exoskeleton of the tower.

  22. I was at a friend’s backyard party. The party spanned over 2 floors of his house and the backyard. I try to keep track of my kids to make sure I know they’re generally occupied with their friends before I can enjoy myself. I couldn’t find my 2yo for about 10 minutes looking around the house and in the backyard. I started panicking and ran around the front of his house and my son was at the corner walking his way back home (which was about a mile away). I brought him back to the party and realized it was my fault – when I walked in after grabbing something from my car, I hadn’t properly latched the gate (it didn’t close when pushed, you had to lift it a bit to latch it). It could have been much worse, but I don’t think anything else scared me as much.

  23. Right now. About to move to a new city technically without a job but with a few good leads. 27M and feel like I have to start getting real good at this life shit.

  24. When my wife was in labor with our first child. She was in labor for about 49 hours (give or take, obviously not all active pushing) through two drips and two pills.

    It was like something out of a hospital drama when the OB decided we needed to do an emergency C-section…all of a sudden there was more staff and they were rolling her out of the room. Neither of us had ever had anything more than like, seven stitches, and definitely not major surgery. Nobody gave me any sort of explanation or comfort, and I sat in the birthing suite for about a week (probably 15 minutes) alone before a nurse came in and just handed me scrubs and a cap. We were recording some of the event on and off with a camcorder, and after they wheeled her out I recorded a message of faith that could have won a freaking Oscar- when I went back and watched it later, I was so terrified in that moment that I didn’t even recognize myself. In the OR, I sat at her head and just talked to her as strong and unwavering as I could, and I couldn’t even hold her hand because it was on the other side of the screen.

    THEN they finally pulled my guy out of there and he was SCREAMING. She didn’t get to hold him on her chest, they didn’t even wrap him in a blanket. They put him by her face while we cried and then took him out of the room. We came to find out he was born (3-1/2 weeks early) with a pneumothorax (collapsed lung) because he was premature. It doesn’t matter how many medical staff / family members in the medical industry tell you “he’s going to be fine, this is very common, don’t worry” when it’s YOUR child in that plastic bubble, and you can’t even physically touch him for the first three days of his life.

    He was in the NICU for a week, during which my wife and I shared a pediatric hospital bed (you know, my wife, the one who just went through 49 hours of labor and then had her entire gut cut open). We were only able to hold him for a little bit at a time so they could keep his oxygen levels up and maintained. Side note: there was a fun added layer of social pressure because even though he was early, he was still BIG and looked healthy. So not only are we holding our child with a possibly uncertain future, we’re doing it next to the parents of the premature twins, who were just a little over a pound each.

    The fifth day or so when they told us his oxygen levels were good without help, and he could probably go home in another day or so, was like having a dump truck that’s been parked directly on your chest finally moved.

    I think I aged an extra two decades in just that week.

    To cleanse the palate: He’s totally fine (like everyone said he would be) and I’m incredibly proud of the dude he’s becoming. Hug your loved ones, folks. Hell, hug anybody that will let you.

  25. When I was a teacher, we had an active shooter on the premises. I was in the teachers lounge with three other teachers when we got the lockdown call. You could hear the gunshots down the hall. It was very very scary. The scariest part was that when I looked at who was all in the room, I realized I am their last line of defense if the gunman gets in here.

  26. My first panic attack. I thought I was having a legit heart attack. Down to the stabbing chest pains, radiating pain in left arm, neck, and jaw. My heart rate went above 200 bpm and I was breathing crazy fast. My vision started closing in and I thought “this is it, this is how I die”. I called 911 and they took me to the hospital and I was admitted due to my family history of heart disease. Tons of tests later, I am released. I kept getting panic attacks after that, no longer able to go to work and using alcohol as both a litmus test and a mechanism to stop panic attacks. Slipped into agoraphobia for about 4 or 5 months and got on some powerful medication called Nardil. So far I’m almost 2 months without a panic attack now so I’m doing a lot better.

  27. Got robbed working at a convenience store in the 80’s. Man came put a gun to my neck and started screaming for the safe combination which I didn’t have. Threw me to the ground and put his foot on my neck. Took the money out of the till, under $100 and kept screaming that if I didn’t give him the number that he would kill me. Probably was only like a minute but felt like hours.

  28. Probably when I found a dead body of the guy that shot himself in our parking lot at work.

    Second to that would be the first time one of my kids has a seizure.

  29. After being with a girl one evening, i got a text saying, “i dont remember me giving you consent”. Tried to call her & text her, to talk to her about what she meant. No answer at all on her end. Didnt sleep the entire night as i kept reading stories about men getting fasely accused and the works. Everything was consensual, and alcohol was not in the picture.
    Well next day, i get a text saying, “See how much control i have over you.”
    I took a risk after a couple of weeks and just not replying anymore. Never heard from her again…that shook me up for life. Ive really had to make sure every women ive slept with since, (not alot), understand that consent is super important. To a point where if ive had a drink or shes had a drink, i wont sleep with them. Sometimes ive moved into a different bedroom. Still scares the shit out of me, its been 5 years since 😐

  30. I am at an age where I am starting to realize my parents will not be here forever, and it terrifies me.

  31. I took my 2 year old son to a park near our old house. A woman at the park began screaming that I was trying to steal her son. People in the park got between me and my son. I began yelling that he was my son and that I don’t know this crazy woman. I was afraid these people wouldn’t believe me. My son was non verbal and he was crying because of the commotion. A police officer actually heard the screaming and came into the park to find out what was going on. The woman at this point was holding my son’s hand and trying to leave with my son. The police officer stopped her and asked if she could prove he was her son. I immediately said that I could. I pulled out my phone and began showing pictures and videos. I was able to pick up my son at that point and comfort him. I was afraid my son was going to be kidnapped and the mom’s at the park on a Monday would side with the screaming woman and not me a dad with a day off of work.

  32. Watching a mortar round heading for me and a couple other folks while in Iraq. Time slowed down as we tried to get away or down. It ended up being a dud that landed about 10 feet from me. I still have nightmares about it and the damned VA says that I don’t meet the DSM-V criteria for PTSD.

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