What is the ideal pace, depth, and duration of anal intercourse when compared to vaginal intercourse if the goal is mutual pleasure?

22M here in UK — perform anal sex occasionally by request of gf at uni and been very gentle and slow — putting little more than the tip inside; perhaps I’m too cautious with the subsequent penetration as hardly move it much.

  1. It depends on the girl a lot, i had a GF who liked anal so i could spend the whole intercourse fucking her in the ass and cum inside.

    Then my next GF didnt like anal at all and couldn’t even get a finger inside.

    My experience: You can go as deep as you want (as long as the girl is enjoying it of course), but dont expect much, once you get the tip inside, the rest feels like a void ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)

    Try to go deeper slowly and comunicating with your GF all the time. From there start increasing the pace as much as you want and as much as she can tolerate.

  2. Lots of lube. Your technique with insertion of the tip is good. Start and go very slow. Centimeter by centimeters and really pay attention to her reaction.

    You’re going to have to go really slow without thrusting for quite a while. Inserting a little each time, leaving it in so the anus gets used to it, then slowly work until it’s all in. From there, you will feel her relax and her voice and energy will tell you what to do.

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