I’ve always thought with tailgating & non segregated fans. It was a very family friendly sport. But I saw some footage from Arrow Head & there was a lot of violence. Was that video a one off?

  1. Not at all sure what you’re talking about. Can you be more specific?

    In general there is not a lot of violence around NFL games. Not on a large scale, anyway. Sometimes people get drunk and get carried away, but there’s usually not rioting or anything.

  2. Who or what is Arrow head? There is usually one incident or two a *year*, across all games in all stadiums, for all teams and all fans. I believe recently there was an incident of a two-person fistfight but I don’t recall the details.

  3. Violence is very rare for the NFL.

    When it happens it ends up all over social media and that’s why you see.

    Unfortunately a fan died at a Patriots game earlier this season after an altercation with another fan. It was big news when it happened in the patriots world, and still is. There’s now big investigations by the police not only into the death itself but security practices at the stadium as a whole.

  4. I don’t see much. No more than you’ll find anywhere with a bunch of people drinking and security tends ro be Johnny on the spot about it.

  5. I bet you dollars to donuts alcohol was involved. That’s the main factor, not nfl fandom.

  6. I don’t have hard stats but from the handful of tailgating parties I’ve been to they were fun – good vibes, no violence.

    I’m not much of a sports guy period so what I remember of the few pro or college games I’ve been to is the atmosphere because that’s what interests me. Frankly I don’t associate any pro sports with violence/hooliganism, except obligatory hockey fights.

  7. Fan violence happens every now and then at games but I would say it’s more frequent at bars or around town at night. People just look for any excuse to fight sadly. I will argue that college games have the highest chance of fan violence. Those games are just parties with a game in the center. My parents worked a college tailgate once where they had to call cops for a huge brawl 6 hours before the game even started.

  8. I’d always assumed they were pretty uneventful; compared to soccer. I was having an argument with a friend. Who claimed NFL was as violent as soccer. I said ‘Why are the fans allowed to tailgate & sit together them’? From what you guys have said; you’ve vindicated my position thanks👍

  9. Thankfully, American football fans aren’t anywhere near as bad as European football fans! So, as long as you stay away from raider games, you should be OK

  10. NFL related violence is very rare. Philadelphia Eagles fans have a reputation of being a rough bunch, but they’re nothing compared to your average soccer hooligan.

    ‘course, when you get a bunch of people together and add alcohol, things are bound to happen, but they’re usually handed quickly. And by “handled”, I mean escorted out by police.

    College football on the other hand….

  11. Arrowhead is usually a super laid back place. Except for the one game a year when the Raiders come to town. Even then it’s not bad unless you are looking to start a fight.

  12. When you get 70,000+ people in one area, you’re going to have a few dumbasses doing dumb shit. Throw in alcohol into the mix and the likelihood goes up.

    This can be said for just about anything. Iceland is considered the safest country in the world. Do crimes still happen there? Yes. But why though, I thought it was considered the safest country in the world? Again, with enough people in a given area, the chance of somebody doing something stupid increase as that number rises.

  13. There are 10s of thousands of people in an NFL stadium on game day. Sometimes you get idiots who take their team far too seriously but those are the extreme outliers.

  14. It’s not a common occurrence at all. It is probably the worst of the 4 main sports in regards to fan violence due to the sheer number of fans in the stadiums. A lot of fans travel to see their team and we don’t segregate the crowds by who supports which team like they do in European soccer for example.

    As I said though, violent fan incidents aren’t all that common. They just get blown out of proportion since everyone has a camera to film a fight and anyone can upload it to social media.

    Even when violent incidents do happen, it’s usually just sloppy fist fights and people throwing things. It’s not as bad as in European soccer where there seems to be a lot more violent incidents. I’ve never heard of NFL fans getting stabbed but in Europe there have been numerous incidents of football fans stabbing fans of the opposing team.

  15. Just about every team has a rival where fans get a little more rowdy. Some teams have more than one. But actual fist fighting at stadiums is rare and usually involves alcohol. And they result in people being banned from the stadium.

  16. Out of the tens of thousands of people at games, there’s going to be at least one scuffle between a couple of idiots. Most people are extremely well-behaved

  17. I tailgate a few times a year college and NFL. I’ve never seen any violence. Actually last time a saw violence at a sports event was at ManU vs Benfica friendly at giants stadium

  18. I mean I’ve been to a ton of local games and it just depends on the crowd. Certain fan bases are definitely more violent. For instance, I’ve never EVER seen violence from, say, the Jaguars or Texans fans, but I have seen a ton of fights involving drunk Raiders fans and quite a few from the Chiefs. It really just depends.

  19. There are fights at almost every game almost always having alcohol contributing. It’s almost always a few people and ends quickly.

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