Im 19 and have had no trouble cuming my whole life. This past summer i had my first body but i didnt cum, she thought she would finish me in her mouth but after trying for like 15 mins she got tired and i told her to stop. I didnt cum that night. I masturbated a lot that summer and i think i lost sensitivity due to that. Since then ive masterbated very infrequently. Now i have a girlfriend and im facing the same issue. I can get her off and get errect but i just dont cum. I dont know what to do and i dont want it to be an issue in the relationship. Looking for some advice.

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  2. I’m in a similar boat except I’m 19(f) I’ve never had an orgasm by my self or by someone else’s doing.

  3. Hey dude , out of the gate let me assure you what you’re experiencing can be completely normal.

    Over-masturbating with a tight grip can definitely be a contributor to making it harder to orgasm with a partner but you’ve already recognized that which is good.

    You’re getting hard so physically you’re all good which means the issue you’re likely having is anxiety due to over-thinking what happened previously and getting in your head about it. I’m nearly 40 bud and the days where the world is in my head, not even a harem of women could make me orgasm – happens to all of us.

    Focus on you’re breathing and stay in the moment. Talk to yourself into the moment , telling your girl “this feels so good” etc can actually trick your brain into believing what it already knows. Plus that communication /dirty talk is helpful for a lot of folks communicating what feels good etc.

    Given that you know you can make yourself orgasm, you could start with some mutual masturbation with your gf, jerk off while lying next to each other and Introduce her hands more toward the end as you feel close can start to break your brains link between your hand and orgasm and replace it to her involvement and orgasm. does that make sense?

    Your doing great bud, just need to get out of your head and that can take time. Enjoy getting her off as you are and I’m sure you’ll both have fun as you explore.

  4. Common issue with guys that got snippet at birth. Everybody screams death grip but the reality is the glans aren’t regular skin. It’s a mucous membrane very similar to the inside of your mouth cheeks and wasn’t meant to be exposed to air and clothing for years. When exposed for years it takes on a dry dull wrinkled look. Sure masturbation doesn’t help matters but is not the direct cause.

    They make covers to wear to protect it but the long term fix if you don’t want to keep it wrapped when not in use would be foreskin restoration.

  5. I had prostate cancer and had it removed so now I don’t shoot anything but I cum harder, deeper and longer than ever.

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