I (20 f) have never really dated at all and have little to none experience with sex. I met this guy (28 m) at school, he was the first to message me and from there we hit it off. We talked almost every day about everything and nothing at the same time.

So finally, when our schedules finally aligned outside of school, we hung out last Sunday. We kissed for the first time and then did more than kiss, but we didn’t have sex because we had no protection and he respected it. We watched a movie and cuddle after, and he went home. Monday came around and I saw him at school everything seemed fined, no kissing happened only a hug goodbye. Then I noticed him, and I been not texting as frequently as we used to or at all somedays.

I am worried that he not into me anymore after what happened on Sunday and that why he sorts of ghosting me now. I need to know what to think so I know how to act around him, because I have see him multiple times a day at school and don’t want to make thing too awkward after this. Or can I just be overthinking and need to give him some time? I really like him, but I don’t want to spend more time thinking of him if he is not feeling the same.

  1. You can’t really force anyone into anything.
    I’m not quite sure as to why he’s not giving you as much attention. Maybe he just wanted to have sex and he’s disappointed that you didn’t. Maybe he’s busy.

    At any rate, you shouldn’t feel like you have to chase anyone around. I wouldn’t put too much stock into this and don’t let it bother you all that much. If he comes around thats cool, if not that’s cool too. You’ll meet other guys.

  2. Like most everything on this sub, communication is key. If you feel like you guys aren’t talking as frequently, and you’d like to get back to the original level, then you need to communicate that. It could be he’s busier or it could be something else. In any event, you won’t know for sure until you talk to him about it. These conversations can be awkward, but that’s what will give you piece of mind, not people on Reddit telling you “what to think.” That’s a dangerous road to go down because people on Reddit can be insane, haha.

  3. Sounds like you already know the answer. If hes ghosting you its probably for the best. You probably dont want to waste time on a 28 year old who is scared to openly communicate. Dont lose any sleep over it.

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