Well we are dating almost a year but about 6 months i start to fell unloved. I asked for dates and flowers and even just for a letter, and also attention. If i dont ask he doesnt give me and i give him a lot, my soul my body and presents even i dont have enough money i made them by hand, i take him on dates and everything. And all i ask for is to receve it too. I see all the couples be like that and i want it too. I want dates even if they are just walks; i want flowers even if they are from the streets; i want presents even if they are small and everything; i want attention and not just sex all the time we see each other. I just want to fell loved… am i wrong? Or overreacting? Or being dramatic? What should i do ? He said that he’s going to change but it already past the 10 time He said it…

1 comment
  1. I’m sorry about all that,I really understand u, is not normal to ask for romantic acts ALL the time,I dated for 2 years and my entire relationship was like that, I made love letters,I showed all my love but he never did, I always said to him that I felt unloved, unwanted, the only answer he gave me is: sorry is just the way I am but I will try harder, but he never changed. Sometimes we are just incompatible with the person we are, u said a lot of times and he didn’t changed,u sure u want to continue this relationship?u will never be happy that way, u deserve more, I deserved more also, that’s why I left my ex

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