I’ve known this friend for three years now and since the start of this year she has become a bit too obsessed with her phone. I’ve been trying to distance myself from her and show my disinterest to her Instagram antics.

Whenever we go out, her first instinct is to spend a good 15 minutes finding the best angles and poses for her instagram story. It’s gotten to the point that she gets agitated when no one took good pictures for her to put up. Recently, she has been suggesting my friend group to go out every Friday to expensive restaurants just so that she can get her “insta-worthy” pictures. She is so deep into this social media shit that it started to get on my nerves. After she finally posts her story, she then repeats it over and over again to check if it’s good enough and to see who has viewed it. I don’t understand why social media presence matters to her so much, she is not even an influencer. When my other friends and I are having a proper conversation, she would be on her phone always checking who liked and responded to her story. I hate that this friend’s habits are irking me so much and I really want to stop dreading to see her every time.

How can I stop thinking about this so much and not be so annoyed around her? How can I break it to her about how I feel?

I feel like my other friends feel the same but they can tolerate her behaviour more.

1 comment
  1. Straight up just tell her, she clearly is enjoying social media more than enjoying our time spent together. It isn’t fun for you, it’s annoying because of the reasons you stated above, and her being on her phone all the time is actually taking away your enjoyment of time spent together. Either she needs to learn how put it down or you aren’t going to hang with her anymore.

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