I (26F) haven’t had any kind of partner ever in any way. I’ve never had a person interested in me, or reciprocate my interest in them. I’m a lesbian romantically, and I think I’m bi sexually, but the latter’s not relevant to dating specifically. My main question is what can I do differently to find potential partners that I’m not already doing?

Everything below is just context and rambling because I don’t know how to not do that.

I’ve heard and taken advice over the years, and I’d like to think I do it well. I’ve only had a year of being an actually social and outgoing person, but in that year my life’s just in a nearly perfect way. I’m the social and outgoing one of my friend groups, I realised I was an extrovert and embraced it, I actively talk to other people and strangers, and my personality and demeanour make it nearly impossible for me to not make friends if I get talking to someone.

And despite actively going out, trying with people, making countless friends and even found family, I’ve never had someone so much as think about me. At least not in any way that I’ve noticed.

I’m hygienic, fashionable, and approachable. I’m good at conversation, and I’ve made efforts to lose weight and seem attractive. I use makeup lightly, though I’m still mostly inexperienced with it. I also don’t try to pick up every woman I meet, in case that was a worry. I’m obsessive about it internally, I don’t let that affect my actions or behaviours.

For clarity I am transfem, but I’m at the point where at my worst I’m androgynous. And I’ve had transfem friends in all sorts of relationship levels throughout the years, so I know that just makes things harder, not impossible. I am starting to think maybe I’m just *that* unattractive and I don’t realise it, but I tend to quash those thoughts when they crop up because pessimism just isn’t my vibe.

I know a year isn’t long, but I’m definitely obsessing over it given my age and inexperience, and getting a first relationship or even first date out of the way would help my obsessions about it to stop. I’ve ended up making three or four close friends this past year purely because I tried to pursue them romantically and either they turned me down or just weren’t into me romantically.

tl;dr rambling, I’m social, I go out, I’m clean, I’m kind, and I’m fit.


Also complete side note but ‘repetitive’ is misspelled in Rule 7.

1 comment
  1. If you’re a lesbian/trans, then you’re opportunities are simply going to be fewer. There’s a lot more straight single men compared lesbian single women in almost every possible setting. Being trans only makes things more complicated and your pool of potentials will be smaller as well (not sure by how much though).

    You are really going to have to go out of way to seek romance, even then you may not be lucky enough to achieve it.

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