There’s this girl I like at school. Ive talked with her for a couple months, I walk up to her every school day and talk to her in class for 1 hour. Eventually I’m gonna ask her if we can could go to a more private place to talk and say to her “I want you to be my girlfriend. What do you think about that?” And then we can discuss it yada yada. I have a poor perception of what is socially acceptable, so I was wondering what y’all think

  1. This won’t work. In order for a girl to approve of your romantic advances, her feelings have to be activated.

    So just telling her to be your girlfriend like that will most likely scare her away. Or even worse, she might say YES when it’s NO she wants to say, then you will be hit a day or week later with the sad news that she is feeling uncomfortable with you.

    So here is how you do this the right way:

    1. Continue to talk to her.

    2. Walk with her at school.

    3. When you have alone time with her, say something romantically mild, such as “ Amber, I believe I have feelings for you.” Then judge her reaction to the best you can.

    4. If she approves of your feelings, hold her hands and kiss her cheek.

    5. Continue being her main guy to hangout with at school.

    You are now officially in a relationship with her without asking her to be.

  2. Don’t ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend, ask her to go on a date. Unless you are in school or something and don’t have money for dates.

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