So this is gonna sound crazy but I feel like I have some sort of trait that makes people instantly target me in negative ways.

There are usually three categories of encounters that, when present they will magnetise towards me. These are the homeless, young teenage roadmen and druggies. I know these are just general shitty types of people, but I’ve looked back, and never, not once, I’ve seen these categories of people target someone else they way they do with me.

I have three example that happen to me in the past three weeks: I was waiting for my train, around 30 people there too, this dude obviously on spice, walks past all of them and comes straight towards me. He starts trying to talk to me, “Have I got the time,” *nudging me* “thanks sexy” and general gibberish.

Thirty minutes after that same interaction, I’m resting my head on the window of the train and some young kid in a black puffer jacket decided to punch the window where my head was lying as the train is moving off.

A week ago a group of 7 kids with there puffer jackets and man bags decide to sit right next to me on a somewhat empty train, doing the usual “trying to impress there mates” and look tough.

A lot of this stuff I’d put to “happens to everyone”, which i guarantee it does, but not once have I personally seen this happen to other people in my presence because im the one they’re drawn to.

I thought maybe it’s due to my surroundings, which, it probably is but rather that feeling like its just started to happen, it feels like it happens more regularly… if you get what i mean. Even in school, I was never really bullies but all too common was food or objects been thrown, I would be the one it hits.

Couple months ago I started going to the gym, working on my confidence and I’m happy to say I feel like I’m slowly getting to the point where I feel and look confident but these interactions always knock me down. If I look confident, why would these categories of people always present negative interactions.

Physically I wouldn’t consider my self an easy target, physically fit, 6’2, 21 Male, 70kg. Things just don’t seem to add up, if I saw these same interactions happening to others around me I’d just accept it normal encounters but I just don’t see it.

  1. If you are worried about these types of interactions, then that concern is probably instinctively leaking out in your body language. Confident people take up more space, both physically AND mentally. It’s like they give off an aura.

    I do think it’s great that you’re going to the gym, so you’re definitely moving in the right direction.

  2. It sounds like you’ve unfortunately been experiencing a lot of negative encounters with certain categories of people

    It’s great that you’re working on your confidence and trying to overcome these situations

    Stay strong!

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