Hey everyone. I am 25, in college, and im a musician. A lot of good things are happening in my life. I feel like I’m a good looking guy. I’m shorter (5’5) and I also deal with severe anxiety/depression. I have two friends who gave me completely different advice. My one friend said I just need to be myself and I’ll find the right one. My other friend said I need to fix my mental health and get my money up in order to “bring something to the table”. I guess I want the hard truth of why I struggle in dating.

  1. The hard truth is 5f5 is a big downside that you have to compensate for by humour and money. Life is unfair

  2. Fixing your mental health is paramount. I think that will actually help you be yourself. Being your best self that is. I don’t know your full situation so I don’t know why you specifically struggle with dating. But making sure your mental health is properly treated will make you happier and help your dating life too

  3. You are clearly not in a dating condition, work on stuff you need to get fixed and get some stability. It’s ok if you have it, but you need to at least show that you are willing to make an effort of it not being a problem in the relationship. If you are looking for short term (no pun intended) there is more working against you, smaller pool to fish from.

  4. Probably because you’re bringing up your mental illness like its a badge of honour when there’s no need to. As someone who was actively dating with severe depression and anxiety in the past, just don’t. Women will find any excuse not to date you if you bring up a perceived negative even if you manage it to the point it’s not recognisable. Just date as per normal and work on your health issues in the background. Bring it up later if she notices something is amiss but not until you’re well established in a relationship with her.

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