What do you think about partners sleeping in separate rooms? If you have done or currently do this, how did it work or how is it currently working for you and your partner?

  1. Sleeping separately has worked very well for me and one of my exes for years. We had different sleep schedules, he prefered the window closed and me open, he was used to falling asleep while listening to his favorite twitch streamers and I liked falling asleep listening to an audiobook. Physical intimacy was not an issue since we both prefered to have sex well before going to sleep. In case someone points out we ended up breaking up, yeah we did but not because of sleeping apart, we just ended up being incompatible in our long-term relationship goals.

  2. It’s not my preference in an ideal situation, but there are many reasons why it can be a very good idea and the best option available for everyone involved to be able to sleep well. I don’t think anything about it for other people’s relationships. Their sleeping arrangements aren’t relevant to me.

  3. I never understood the appeal of sleeping next to someone in the first place. I don’t want to get bombarded by their farts, wake up when they toss and turn, or wake up when they go to the bathroom or get up before me. I’ve never slept next to a partner, and I would have left my ex-husband much sooner if I had to listen to him snore all night.

  4. When your partner snores like a train, sleeping in separate rooms will save your relationship.

    I’ve done it in my very own house (he’s not living with me). The man just snores a lot after a long day so I pick my pillow and go to the other room (living room, kitchen,… I can sleep anywhere really) and when he sees me in the morning, we cuddle up because the snoring finally stops lol.

  5. If it works for people, more power to them. I don’t judge people’s sleeping arrangement as long as everyone in the relationship are happy with it.

  6. Sleeping is vital to your overall well being. However that needs to happen should be the way. Your sleep habits with your partner shouldn’t be anyone else’s concern.

  7. It’s fine. I did it for awhile with my ex husband. He had severe sleep apnea and I needed him to sleep on a separate floor of the house before he got his CPAP machine.

    I don’t really have a strong need to sleep next to my partner, so I was ok with sleeping near him or away from him.

  8. We do. It started when my son was a baby and we took shifts (4 hours at a time) doing feedings and sleeping in the living room next to the bassinet. I used to be a deep sleeper but now am not. My husband and I both snore and he shakes his foot A LOT. I can barely sleep. Honestly, I don’t think he’s a huge fan but recognizes that it’s what I need. Me, I get such better sleep this way.

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