I’m currently on maternity leave but I thought I was getting on well with my coworkers. Now, I texted two people and they never replied to how they are doing and I don’t understand why. Also there is one person who I was okay with when other people were around, but I always had a weird feeling about her (not liking me) and seems like I’m right because neither of us connects with each other on social media when I can see she is connected with the other coworkers. So, how can I just let it go? I won’t be going back to work soon yet I’m scared of how they will feel about me (though there’s a chance the whole team will be different then).

1 comment
  1. People are so socially inconsistent anymore. Or maybe always, just more apparent now. 2 things come to mind – the realization that we cannot control anyone but ourselves is a gift, and this too shall pass.

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