How long do you wait to get STD tested after you’ve had sexual intercourse?

  1. I get tested 3 ir 4 times a year but I have a husband, a wife and two boyfriends who are all having sex with other people as well

  2. I think 2 weeks at least. Be mindful that they don’t test herpes at routine check ups. That’s through blood work or if you get the outbreak swabbed.

  3. you need at least a wk for anything to show up & then up to 6 mo afterwards. especially if you have one a wk after & then at the 3 & 6 month mark (b/c of hiv it usually can’t be detected for like 3 months after sex).

  4. Depends what you’re testing for, certain diseases can take up to 6 months to show on a test. You can get test kits online that advise the timelines and when and how to test.

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