TL;DR: Flatmate relationships ended and need advice on how to help him through this heart break

Hey guys, I’m a bit worried about my flatmate at the moment. He (29m) just broke up with his girlfriend (21f) of 3 years. He’s been wallowing in his room for the past couple days.

I’ve (28m) been trying to cheer him up with our regular Curry Sundays (we eat curry each Sunday and chat about the weekend and whats ahead for the next week. We’ve done this for the entirety of living together, we’ve hardly missed a single Sunday) and I even got his favourite dish (Curry). But today he just sat these and barely touched the food. As I don’t like food waste (think of the all the people the food could’ve fed) I said to him “Hey just because your girlfriend left you doesn’t mean you can just ruin Curry Sunday’s”

He didn’t like this and said “We’ve never done Curry Sunday’s before I don’t even know why you’re saying this is a thing, you’re so insensitive Rachel (his ex-gf) was right about you!”. This happened a couple hours ago and he’s refused to speak to me since.

Now I understand his going through a rough period but his gf breaking up with him as she’s going into her final year of university and wants to “get the true uni experience” should be embraced and supported by him. Lord knows he had fun in uni 😂😂😂😂. But its completely inexcusable to gaslight me into thinking Curry Sunday’s is not a real thing!

Anyways, I’ve been finding living with him really hard since the break up happened, is there anything I can do to help his broken heart or should I start looking for a new place?

Thanks in advance everyone!

  1. Hi OP, sorry you’re having a tough time with your housemate. But it does sound like maybe you’re not considering his headspace in all this.
    Have you considered your housemate is in denial about Curry Sundays partly because he’s in denial about his relationship break up? How about trying a different cuisine together, maybe try Thai next time?
    Hope this helps.

  2. Do you at least understand why he didn’t like your comment, even if it was said in jest?

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