2 months ago I got paralyzed from the neck down.

Long story short, I was given a good prognosis of “people will likely not be able to tell you’re paralyzed”. I’ve been working my ass off in rehab, basically working out until my muscles give out every day. And it seems like I am indeed well on my way to have a normal walking form/gait.

I was able to walk 5 miles a few days ago without any assisted device besides an AFO ankle brace, and now I can also jump/hop around during PT, which to contrast: I was originally told “I might be able to use a walker for short distances in 6 months.”

**So long term you may not visually be able to tell I got paralyzed unless I told you. That being said,, I may not be able to sprint again, and I also have some noticeable scars on my neck from the surgery. That being said I’ll still be able to mountain bike, snowboard, and do most of the stuff I loved before my injury ( to paint a picture of my likely life status once I start dating again). Do you think women would find some form of a disability like this as a turn off?**

  1. If it is a turn-off for them, they are not worth your company anyway.

    Be happy and get better, I’m proud of your progress! 🙂

  2. Honest truth is that there will be women who will be turned off when they find out that you’re paralyzed, but hey at least you’ll find out that they’re not the ones for you and not worth your time. Proud of your hard work so far. Wishing you the best!

  3. I don’t think it would be a turnoff. But maybe don’t bring it up right away just because it can be a lot initially. But I would say bring it up within 3-4 dates. And if she gets turned off then you dodged a bullet

  4. Who cares about sprinting? Are you going to chase down dinner? Scars? Ever watch the movie “Jaws” the scene comparing scars is great. The disability is in your mind. You’ve worked hard and sound like an amazing and determined man. Make a profile that says what you can do. Pictures of you doing things. During conversation if I found out how hard you worked etc. and why damn I’d be impressed. Your accomplishments for a better life and health are the turn ons in this scenario. Good luck.

  5. As a prospective partner I would definitely want to know about it as a way of knowing more about what makes you, *you*.. I honestly can’t think why someone would be turned off by this… It’s a major part of your life story and an amazing achievement to have overcome. Don’t shy away from sharing this information, if anyone’s reaction to learning this information is anything other than admiration and respect, then they aren’t someone you need in your life.

  6. Dude that’s amazing, you’re working your ass off and are perservering through problems most people would find impossibly daunting. If that turns someone off, well why would you want to be with them anyway?

    Now as for the timing, it may be a bit heavy of a subject to bring up on a first or second date unless its super obvious. However, I think most people would find your story inspirational and perhaps even a turn on knowing you aren’t afraid to face challenges.

  7. I was also paralyzed at one point in my life, and like you was able to regain my functions and live a normal life. (My paralysis was due to nerve damage).

    In my dating life, it’s none relevant and I usually bring it up with women as I get to know them more intimately. It’s an important part of who you are now, and no one you should want to be with will view it as a negative. I’ve never met anyone who seemed put off by it, but it can be startling to people, mainly when they see the healthy version of you.

    Maybe just don’t date someone who expects you to be their running partner.

    Hope you recover well and pain free man. Good luck.

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