When was the last time you were engaged in a physical fight?

  1. In my very early twenties when I was drunk and stupid while on vacation.
    So about 10 years ago.

  2. Like 4 years ago, i lost a tooth and he got a broken nose but i wouldn’t take that kind of deal again lol

  3. As an adult only once. That shit doesn’t really happen because the consequences for an adult are huge (IE jail). Kids do it a lot more because they are almost never punished for it.

  4. Sparring when I was working out at a boxing gym. That was about 8 or 9 years ago now

  5. A few years ago I got into a bit of a scuffle playing hockey.

    But a proper fight? Maybe 8th or 9th grade

  6. 4th grade. And of course I’m the one who got suspended even though I had nothing at all to do with starting it.

  7. Some Years ago i was at a Train Station with my bike and on way there some group run in front of me in street and i told them to watch where they go they where about my age than i think like 16 years old probably and they split up and 2 of them stood next to me on the train station and they made fun of me for like 5 minutes and i just punched the guy 2 3 times in face before 20 30 people stopped us


    There was also a time after that where i fought with one of my best friends but just for fun a bit nothing rly serious

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