Both my gf (23f) and I (26m) are fairly inexperienced sexually. I’m her first sexual partner and she’s my first long term partner. We’ve been together for a few months, and every time we have sex, she interrupts it because she needs to pee. And it kinda kills the mood so we don’t resume it after she goes. I get that the thrusting puts some pressure on the bladder etc but to interrupt the act is a first for me. But I also suppose that when you’re close to climaxing it might feel like an urge to pee? Neither of us get to finish because of this and while I love her it is a little frustrating to be honest.

Is this normal? What can I do to make her more comfortable in bed? Should I ask her to just hold it? I don’t wanna be insensitive in case she actually does need to pee, but I wonder if the inexperience is just causing her to misinterpret her own body, if that makes sense. TIA!

  1. You can ask her to go to the bathroom before you two have sex? But then she would still need to go after to. Which makes me wonder if she’s worried about getting a UTI. OR maybe she does pee a little when she gets an orgasm and she’s afraid of embarrassing herself in front of you. There’s a number of reasons, but you should probably talk to her to get to the root of the problem.

  2. Omg that’s more than just a slight mood killer … geez … I can’t imagine coming back and just saying “ goodnight “ lol. Like at least finish you off with her mouth . Maybe she is a squirter ? I can tell you when I was young I didn’t know wth was happening and I thought I was peeing on my husband , he did too ! Lol… this was 25 years ago , so no
    internet .. lol… Look into that aspect and find out if she’s afraid that’s what’s happening . Btw you don’t need to climax to squirt , it can just feel really good and it happens . Maybe during masturbating she has had it happen and is afraid she’ll “ pee” on you . It even comes out the same hole as your pee . If that’s not the case ….. try laying down a bunch of towels when you guys start and tell her you want her to pee on you ? That it’ll turn you on or whatever … maybe if she sees that she doesn’t actually pee on you she’ll get over it ?

  3. are you familiar with the term “squirting” its still divided about whether its fake from porn, if it’s actually pee, or its a the female ejaculatiory fluid.

    A good way to rule out pee is just let her go to the bathroom when she feels the pressure. when she returns do whatever you can to get her back in the mood and just keep doing what you’re doing. maybe put a towel down on the bed too for when she come back. tell her it’s nothing just trust you. if you manage to get back to where she again needs to go tell her you’ve even reading up about this and that you don’t think she needs to pee and she just might be one of the few that are more sensitive to when it comes to squirting, and yes the same need to pee. but trust me that’s what the towel is for and just keep reassuring her you want this.

  4. Try having sex in the shower. If she needs to go then theres no worry.

    Or…set up your bed so that its stain proof. Cover it with something so it doesnt leave stains and just have at er.I recall a situation where one of my partners had to go in the middle of it and i told her to just go, i dont care. She was worried about the mess so i just picked her up, kept on thrusting and went to the bathtub. Told her she had nothing to worry about now.

    She had one hell of an orgasm she said while she was peeing.

  5. Pretty sure what she’s feeling is the urge to squirt. It feels a lot like being pressed with pee but it isn’t.
    And FYI, it feels great squirting while fucking.
    Maybe next time lay sth down and tell her about squirting and that she might be a squirter. If she agrees then power through

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