I’m a very anxious person and I work at a large retail store. It’s such a big store that I don’t really know more than half of the people I work with, so it can be so hard to tell whether I should just keep going about my work and say/do nothing, or if it’s rude not to smile, acknowledge them in some way? Seems like it shouldn’t be so confusing, but many people don’t respond or look weirded out when I acknowledge their presence, and so I’ve gotten so annoyed with it that I’ve stopped altogether unless it’s someone I work with regularly. I feel like there’s some social code for this kind of setting that everyone else understands and I’m just awkward as hell. Am I overthinking this? Any ideas/tips? Thanks

1 comment
  1. Try asking a simple question
    “Hi how are you today?”
    If they answer in a sarcastic or rude way then it’s them, and if they don’t answer at all that’s their problem

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