My boyfriend and I had some particularly rough sex today and used a toy that’s bigger than what I’m used to
While I’m not in any pain or anything I do worry that my uterus detached? I’m an incredibly anxious person and the size of the toy we used makes me worry that it may have hit my cervix and prolapsed/detached my uterus. This was around 5 hours ago. My vagina and vaginal canal feel swollen but not in pain— they just feel different than usual

I’ve looked up the symptoms of uterine prolapse but I still worry as I don’t have a lot of experience. Is it possible that my vagina is just swollen? If so should I expect it to go back to normal soon?

I live in an area where healthcare isn’t readily accessible so seeing an OBGYN anytime soon isn’t an option

  1. I’d lean towards it being more just tender after the rough sex you had rather than anything else.

  2. Not a medical professional, but a urine prolapse is usually associated with problematic child birth or sometimes after surgeries in much older women. I think you probably just got worked over pretty good and you are a bit bruised and swollen inside (and maybe vulva too). If it doesn’t clear up in a day or two, see a doctor (any dr. if a gyn isn’t available).

  3. Only an OBGYN would be able to say.

    But, its normal to be swollen/engorged for some time after intense sex with larger members/toys. Prolapse – idk, don’t need to jump to thinking that yet without it literally coming out.

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