What plastic surgery would you get?

  1. Not sure if this counts as plastic surgery but i have too much fat in my breasts that even working out or losing weight cannot solve.

    I’d like to get it removed but its not like its detrimental to my health and based on my dating/hookup activities, muscular man-tits proved effective.

  2. Under my eyes is getting very baggy as the years go on. To the point it gets cut when I try to shave… It’s fat that accumulated and sags over the years and it’s genetic. My dad got a procedure where they suck out the fat, so it’s like face lyposuction. He was definitely not fat and that doesn’t really effect this thing it’s unrelated to body fat.

    It’s really annoying and bothers me so yeah.. Some day I probably will get that same procedure done. It’s minimally invasive and one of the most simple plastic surgeries you can get and there’s really not much that can go wrong and it’s not a surgery where it’ll start looking weird over time or need touch ups… Doesn’t change the shape or structure of your face, just gets those annoying bags to go away.

    So yeah I’d get that.

  3. Honestly I can’t really think of anything since my only real insecurity is my side belly fat and I want to get rid of that through working out.

  4. None. I am absolutely terrified of having surgery for any reason, so doing it when I don’t need to is a definite nope. Plus, results of plastic surgery are often noticeable and can make people look more “fake” for lack of a better word if it’s not necessary

  5. I already had plastic surgery done, but I didn’t know I’d end up getting it. I went in for tmj surgery and they realized that they needed to fix my chin so it wouldn’t look out of place. I only found out after it was done.

  6. I would honestly get some work done to de stress my face. my muscles have been locked in a frown for so long I think I need some reconstruction just to loosen them up again. I’d also like my left eyelid corrected and the loose skin of my belly removed once I’ve lost weight again

  7. Nose job. I have a bit of my nasal bone protrudes so any excessive force there makes it bleed externally and internally. Found that out when I got hit in the face in a mosh pit seeing Slipknot. Badass concert I don’t regret anything from that night.

  8. My nose, I can’t breathe through one nostril and it is bent. I would like to be able to breathe normally

  9. Meh, all the interesting surgeries range from “dangerously unethical” to “an affront to God and Nature”.

  10. About 13 years ago I had a hair transplant that was pretty in-depth. Hurt like hell. Probably would do it again if going backwards in time. Downside. Can’t shave whole head without having a big scar ear to ear around back of my head. Also had a procedure for underarm sweating. Damn it was life changing.

  11. I lost a net total of about 85 lbs so there’s a bit of loose skin I’d tighten up. Also my nose was broken a few times over the years so I’d probably get that fixed too.

  12. Body hair removal, stomach fat removal, penis enlargement, hair transplant, wrinkle reduction

  13. I have way too many plastic spoons and not enough plastic forks.

    So, I’m willing to put some of these spoons under the knife.

  14. I’m actually happy the way i am so propably nothing. Maybe hair implants, i’ll be bald my like 50 or something i assume. I’m ok with that, but it would be nice to have hair back ofc.

  15. Maybe hair transplant, but I shae my head completely anyway and find I look better than when I had hair, so I may actually get surgery to remove all the hair permanently because i hate spending the time every day doing it.

  16. I got rid of my buffalo hump with J plasma technology through needle suction. I accumulated a lump of fat deposit behind my neck from staring down at my phone for so many years. I was self conscious about wearing t shirts. Now the area is all muscular and flat.

  17. I had an accident when I was 18 and it left a big scar on the left side of the top of my head. Would be nice if they could remove that scar or something.

  18. my partners and I made a semi-joke about me getting dental implant fangs (not huge, just a little longer Cuspids)… I realized shortly later, that I’d actually rather like having them, the rest of my body image issues/desires can be addressed with good diet and exercise, but some changes to less mutable aspects of myself are rather attractive at this juncture.

  19. Reconstruction in case of an accident with noticeable damage is the only case I can imagine.

  20. I had a lower neck lift. Good result. I thought about getting my nose fixed but it gives my face a lot of character so probably not.

    I think that teeth is where you get your biggest bang for your buck.

  21. I had otoplasty and septorhinoplasty, and I’m incredibly happy and satisfied with the results.
    My social anxiety has basically disappeared, and my confidence is to the roof haha.

    I’ve also noticed that I’ve become kinder and more gentle towards people.
    It’s insane how plastic surgery can transform your life, but only if you fix something you were insecure about!

  22. i would do some chin correction and also permanent body hair removal, having a monthly body vax session is not comfortable at all.

  23. A stronger chin.

    It’s decent, nothing crazy. A stronger jaw line would leave me much more confident to just have a good stumble rather than a constant beard.

    I want to wear suits and have a stubble. At least in my head, that’s the man I want to be. I don’t even own a suit.

    My beard looks good and I have a pretty positive view of my body.

  24. My pinky toes are chubby and somehow look rotated along the longer axis probably due to shoes being shaped the way they are. So I’d like to make them prettier, but I don’t think that’s an option. Also I have so many scars on my legs from sports/hiking/falling off bikes/trees and such, maybe those…

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