29M deleted the last 2500 pictures of an old relationship that was 8 year long. Broken up 2 years ago. Gave away all the things that relationship held.

She moved on with the new dude that she cheated on with within a month of our breakup. We were first everything.

Deleted all the dating apps, following dating coaches, all the red-blue black pills etc. They demonize women and skew your perception that all women are bad. Which isn’t true.

Will solo travel for 8- 10 months on a spiritual quest to different parts of Asia and come back and to finish my Ph.D. There’s definitely more to life than paying bills, going to clubs and rizzing someone.

Took a lot of courage to delete a decade worth of memories. All those laughters and smiles are just memories now!

But I did it!. Feels light, feels sad, feels like a new beginning.

Looking forward to new life. Looking forward to be more grateful for just being alive and open my heart for more experiences and learn to love again.

Hope we all heal and find love.

My flight is in 8 hours.

  1. Good luck man, the spirit quests in Asia though. Lol as long as your not going to Thailand, and if you are i would keep that too yourself.

  2. Good luck on your travels and clearing your mind. I hope you heal and find yourself!

    I myself (28F) had a terrible day today longing for my ex of 4.5 years. And we broke up 5 years ago. Knowing it ended that long ago, longer than we dated, and feeling this pain just shows I didn’t heal properly. His mom reached out to me last year to let me know he was marrying the woman he dated a few months right after we broke up. I haven’t found the one despite jumping into dating right away.

    I’m on a break now, working on my fitness and getting into med school while working and catching up with friends. I hope I find that peace and heal properly soon

  3. Nice. You might find you don’t even need that long to accomplish the healing you need. You’d be surprised what even a little bit of time away from it all will do.

  4. best luck. Find someone in school.

    Doing a phd myself soon( after finishing current masters)

  5. Absolutely love this! Recently did the same thing myself and how freeeeeeeing it feels! I can’t do the apps and have sworn off them since earlier this year. I find it all just exhausting. I spent the last 1.5 years living and traveling abroad in Asia and it changed my life. I’m excited to read this because I know exactly what you’re going to feel and experience… it’s going to be a momentous moment. Have fun, be safe, and good luck with the new life 🤙🏽

    *Don’t know what country you’re from but make sure to apply for certain visas way ahead of time if you can. Had some trouble with Vietnam and timeliness. However, in Asia… there’s literally ALWAYS a way whether it be visas or transportation lol.

  6. Deleted 3000 photos, 800 snippet videos. We dated for only 2 years. I never considered doing dating apps and I only aspire to serve our Church as a Christian. 🫶🏼 Right now, he seems like a distant memory even tho we only broke up a month ago. 💪

    Going to Japan solo for 1 month!

  7. Kinda similar. Been single for almost 3 years now though but I was in a 13 year long relationship. I was in college the last 2 years and couldnt leave. But I have my 1 way ticket to Bangkok and I’m leave in 4 weeks to do the exact same thing.

  8. You will find your answers inside south East Asian vaginas. Enjoy your spiritual quest

  9. My ex wife started cheating on me in May 2021. Then told me to move out I didn’t, and she moved out and filed a restraining order. We divorced and I lost nearly everything. I will never get married again.

  10. The dating apps are TRASH! You are better off, the right person will come along.

    Safe travels!

  11. Glad you took this big step and congratulations! I wish you the best, really. It’s something I would like to do but I don’t for fear of leaving my comfort zone. And let me tell you, one doesn’t leave a job without a backup.

    Good luck, I am sure this will be beneficial. I also want to start by deleting social media.

    Thank you for sharing this.

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