What is the worst addiction to have?

  1. I have to imagine alcohol. It’s socially acceptable, freely available, and you’re actively penalized by not partaking in it (since it’s basically a pre-requisite for going to parties, bars and clubs).

  2. The one that alienates you from every aspect of your life and holds you powerless. Could be heroin, alcohol, sex, gambling, etc. doesn’t matter what it is, it’s the effect it has on your life and mental health.

  3. Right now any kind of opiate addiction puts you at risk of getting Fentanyl in whatever you think you are buying. Fentanyl is incredibly potent requiring only *micro*gram dosages so it’s very easy to overdose. I just lost a friend to fentanyl and almost lost another, she was resuscitated by paramedics. It’s everywhere and to make matters worse some people combine it with meth or they get dope that is mixed with xylazine.

  4. Not the worst but one that can fuck you up is a porn addiction. It impacts your prefrontal cortex’s size, impacting your concentration,decision making, organization skills. Like any drug you’ll start with « normal » shit like watching vanilla, but ultimately, you’ll get into even weirder shit. Nothing with real intimate sex is like porn at all either.

  5. Oh man, addiction is tough. I’ve had a few battles myself, so I feel for anyone going through it. Honestly, I don’t think there’s a “worst” addiction because they all suck. Whether it’s drugs, alcohol, gambling, or even something like social media, addiction can take over your life and mess things up. The important thing is to recognize it and seek help. Don’t be ashamed to ask for support, we all need it sometimes.

  6. Masturbation Addiction.
    Not even porn, just being addicted to Masturbation.

    It fucked me up because I had never done that before, so when I finally figured out HOW to do it, it was like taking heroin for me.

    Fucked up my grades, mindset, way of life, everything.
    I am literally not the same person I was before I learned to Masturbate.

    You ever Jerked until you couldn’t jerk any more? Then kept jerking, like you were clicking the trigger of an empty gun?

    Yeah. That shit is terrible. And fucking lame.

    I’m not even ashamed at this point, it’s just FOKKEN LAME!

  7. Dark horse: Sugar addiction

    Its everywhere. And no one cares. It causes so much health issues. And when you decide to reduce your added sugar intake, people call it “dieting”

    Edit: I am talking about the addiction side. Enjoy the cookies and treats in moderation. Not trying to be the no sugar IG mom.

  8. Probably food. Other substance addictions are chemicals you don’t need to live. But you still have to eat. How do you form a healthy relationship with that that you are addicted to???

  9. Porn. Unfortunately I can’t seem to get rid of it. Have seen so many marriages end becuase of it

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