I keep thinking about what do you even talk about and isnt it super awkward? Especially if you dont really know eachother that well yet

  1. My first ever? I honestly can’t recall. I’m not even positive who/when that would be. It was probably a movie and some food or something like that. It wasn’t significantly different than any other teenage friend hangout other than being considered a date.

  2. Kind of awkward, it was fun to actually take her out but the date itself wasn’t very good. Turns out I was very bad at coordinating dates. My plan was for us to go to a park in a nearby city and go get ice cream afterwards. but it was raining and I forgot to bring a jacket. The I’ve cream part was actually fine, i was super nervous tho

  3. It was in high school, neither of us could drive yet so we both just got dropped off at the movies, but he showed up super embarrassed with three of his younger siblings in tow…his mom insisted he had to bring them along.

    He tried to hold my hand during the movie, and his little brother yelled, “ooh, they’re holding hands!!” so that was the end of that.

    Not the romantic night I was hoping for. He came out as gay after we had been dating another couple months, and started dating a guy from my school, so overall it was not a success for me.

  4. It was at the movies and he brought his friend along without telling me lol. It was pretty awkward

  5. Chiming in with awkward. Early Teenagers. Mom drops me off at the guy‘s – we were friends before- family‘s place. We agreed to watch a movie beforehand. (Stupid me actually thought we’d only watch a movie). He kissed me and I just thought ‚omg why do people like that!‘.

    Next day I texted him I just didn’t feel the same – was the most mature thing I’d do for the next couple of years.

  6. I was 16. He was 17. I had been crushing on him since i was 13. Well junior yr of HS, we had a class together, he sat right behind me. About a mth into the school yr, out of the blue, he asked if i want to go out that Saturday. I said yes IMMEDIATELY. I asked my parents as soon as they got home from work (begged actually). Surprisingly, they said yes. He picked me up, talked to my parents for a bit. Then we went to the movies. We saw Die Hard 2. He held my hand. Then to Dairy Queen for food. It was very nice. We dated for about 6 mths

  7. I was 13 and he was 15, I think. We met in front of the school on a saturday, walked around the block, and he looked at me and asked if I *like* liked him. I said yes and he kissed me. It was **so bad** 😂

  8. It was in high school. We went to a little restaurant. It was super awkward. I realized I just really wasn’t feeling him. We left on a friendly note.

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