okay maybe i’m stupid for thinking this is possible but me and my partner were in the shower together I was pleasing him with my hand. I was facing the other way while he was too and i pointed his penis the opposite direction towards the wall so nothing would go on me. Mind you I was on my fertile window on health and it’s usually pretty accurate. But then after that he told me he had ejaculated earlier in the day but also held back ejaculating somehow idk if that stops from a lot of sperm coming out? But that’s what he told me. I got a little sperm on my fingers so then I got soap and washed it under the shower with hot water. Mind you i wasn’t standing right under but i stood a distance in the shower where I could wash my hands. And im scared that water and soap with the sperm somehow landed on my vagina with particles of water coming from the shower. and drizzled down me into my vagina. Mind you the shower was hot and I heard that hot water and soap kills sperm or damages them. I wasn’t worried after because I knew nothing went on me but partner got worried so then so did i. I don’t know if that’s possible. But i saw the water go down the drain. This might be a stupid scenario to think i could get pregnant but I want to know if i could be. Mind you there is was no direct contact with my vagina. And we didn’t have penetration. I’ve been stressing a bit and my lower abdomen has been hurting but that’s what I was also experiencing last time I had a scare. Also my boobs have been swollen but that’s what happens before my period but no tenderness yet. I’m supposed to get my period in about 9 days. And this happened also 9 days ago. I also heard that damaged sperm can’t make fertilization possible?

  1. Very unlikely. I think a lot of the pain you are feeling could be simply from anxiety. I would suggest you talk to a doctor and potentially try birth control if you are this worried about contact with sperm.

  2. Getting pregnant the way you’re describing here is probably about as likely as immaculate conception.

  3. This is how responsible we need all people to be so there won’t be any more abortions !🤔. Girl you are fine , it would practically be immaculate conception if you got pregnant from this lol

  4. If it were this easy to get pregnant, so many wouldn’t need fertility doctors. You’re fine, relax, you’re literally giving yourself physical symptoms from stressing about it.

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