Both in our mid-20’s, maybe I’m naive for my age. We hungout a lot, it was almost everyday at one point. He’d stock up on extra food/snacks for me in his fridge so I had something to eat when I was over. There were a couple times where he planned a surprise visit to my place. There were a few moments where we’d be walking somewhere and he’d grab me and kiss me out of nowhere.

One time, he even came over once just to help clean my kitchen because I was stressing about it. I wanted more but he didn’t want more with me and that still surprises me because this felt way too nice for what was essentially a casual situation. It sucks and I wish I could meet him all over again because I’m pretty sure it was because of something I said or did when we first met. I wanted to vent about this for a bit because I think about him a lot even though things were cut off between us almost 3 months ago. I miss the dude’s company.

  1. Sounds like you never asked him out. The equivalent is going to the lake, never once throwing a line, and then complaining about not catching anything.

  2. I’m not a guy, but I’ve been “the guy” you’re describing. When I did all those lovely things with/for someone, but didn’t want a relationship, my reasoning was that I liked the person as a human being, had fun and enjoyed seeing them, but there was something in the connection or the person that was not exactly what I’m looking for in a partner. Maybe some value or belief that is different from mine and I find essential to share. Or some everyday manner that is lacking and I don’t wanna “change” someone into acting the way I like. He sounds like he liked you, just not enough. That’s okay, that doesn’t mean you didn’t have a place in his heart. I remember these guys with a lot of fondness even though I didn’t choose them in the end.

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