My grandparents have said they’d like to get me something sentimental for my 18th birthday but I have no idea what to ask for. I thought about watches but I am very much happy with my little digital Casio. I thought about a nice pen but I always prefer a biro. Tempted to just ask them to get my car serviced and MOT’d, although I know this takes the piss a bit. Any thoughts?

Edit: Thanks everyone for the responses, after speaking to them we’ve decided a watch works best. A nice engraved automatic dress watch for special occasions, and I’ll still use my Casio day to day.

  1. I’d just ask them if they had anything in mind. That way you will at least have an inkling of the budget. If there is nothing u need or want that much you can always request a transfer to saving account or Lisa, both would help you when you will really need some extra funds. Asking for a service and mot is a bit cheeky IMHO.

  2. Some nice framed photos of you together. I wish I had more photos of me and my granny together, I really miss her.

  3. Ask them to remortgage or release equity from their home to raise a deposit for a house purchase. That should take the wind out of their sales…or you might hit the jackpot.

  4. For my sons 18th, I bought him a beautiful antique pocket watch, engraved. No, he doesn’t wear it but it’s for sentimental value and something he can look at in years to come or possibly hand down

  5. Is either of them artistic? My gran loved to paint so I asked her if she could paint me a picture of their house. 30 years later and that picture has followed me to every place I have lived and is on my wall right now. They both died many years ago. Each time I look at the picture it brings back happy memories.

  6. The watch is a good idea. Even if you’re not into them it’ll be a nice keepsake.

    They won’t be around forever. My grandparents are all long gone and I don’t have anything like that to remember them by.

  7. Ask them for a nice photo of you all or to be taken for a lovely meal somewhere just you three. Memories are better than any other physical gift in my opinion. Please dont ask for your car mot that’s not what they mean and tbh will probably be an insult and I’m sure if you were to go to them and ask if they could assist you with the costs of the mot they would happily help assuming they have a bit of spare money.

  8. I can tell you what not to get. I got an iPad for my 21st. Sure it was great then but it only lasted a few years so a pretty shitty legacy present.

  9. A watch sounds perfect. Whilst they can be quite expensive, I’d ask for something cheap yet solid like a seiko dive watch prospex, it will probably last you a lifetime if you take care of it.

  10. Smart watch – doesn’t have to be a daily watch something you can wear for interviews/dates/weddings/divorces/court appearances or funerals.

    Or if you wear jewelry, bracket/neckless/earrings/nipple rings etc

  11. If they’re happy to do that for you instead then I’d go with it, at least it’s something you’d appreciate a lot more than something you don’t need

  12. A nice engraved fountain pen, something like a Lamy Dialog which is quality and classy but not too expensive (for an 18th birthday keepsake, though everything’s relative):

    The palladium colour one engraves well.

    You may like biros more now but that can change and to be honest this is as much about your grandparents giving you something special as it is about you receiving a gift.

  13. Jewellery of some description. I got a ring for my 18th, wore it until it didn’t fit anymore. Also if you like the nomination bracelets you can get charms engraved with handwriting so they could write you a little message

  14. My grandma bought me a cuff bracelet for my 18th which is still part of my day to day jewellery.

    My parents bought me a fancy watch set and the only time I don’t wear the cuff bracelet (on the days I wear all my jewellery) is when I wear the bracelet that matches the watch.

  15. I’m not very sentimental like you by the sounds of it – and would rather my car serviced than a fancy pen or anything

    How about going for lunch with them at a fancy restaurant? Somewhere you’d like to go but couldn’t afford or justify the price of

    Then take some pictures beforehand, during and after which can them be framed as their ‘sentimental gift’

    I’m sure they’d enjoy the two hours with their grandchild too.

  16. Along the lines of a watch and a pen – a good quality pocket knife/multi tool can be a nice keepsake that you can use for decades to come.

    Not quite the same budget as a ‘nice’ watch though.

    I would still consider a ‘dress’ watch you might wear occasionally when out somewhere nice.

  17. Get something useful for the long term as you move out – like a good set of kitchen knives or a quality cast iron pan pan – though keep it safe if going to uni, people will damage the knives doing dumb stuff or take a metal scourer to the pan and ruin it. Things like electronics will often end up broken before too long vs a good quality set of kitchenware you could be using it for decades. It might seem a bit left field for sentimentality but a watch you rarely want to wear or a pen you could easily lose are not as useful as a pan you could be cooking steak with on your 30th, 40th, 50th birthday and beyond with good care is a practical long term gift

  18. My car broke down just before I turned 18, my parents paid for it to be fixed and told me that was my birthday present (we didn’t have much money). On my birthday, I received a pack of tights (in a weird blue/green colour, think my mum had bought them by mistake!). I was grateful to have a working car!!

  19. You could still ask for a watch, could be a special occasions watch with your digital for everyday

  20. A nice multi tool or penknife would stand you in good stead. It can also be engraved for posterity.

  21. A nice watch. You’ll remember them every time you look at it.

    That or a 2 week bender in Ibiza.

  22. National Trust lifetime membership. Just having it for the carparks is worthwhile.

    It won’t be something you put in a drawer and forget. Everytime you have a day out you’ll remember them.

  23. A video of them wishing you a happy birthday. I only have a few videos of my grannies who are now both gone and I’d give a lot to hear their voices again.

  24. Orient Bambino watch, a nice mechanical watch that will serve well for formal events

  25. Watch, phone, iPad. All things that my grandparents have bought for me. Biggest thing was a Merc lmao. Before people flame me, it was their car. I don’t even live in the same country as them.

  26. I got a really nice leather holdall/weekend bag for my 18th. I’ve still got it now (32) and its in really good nick given the amount of trips its been on over the years.

    Its something you’ll generally always need, especially as you get older.

  27. wait I am turning 18 in under a month too. my birthday is 19th November, when is yours? is it close?

  28. Premium Bonds, they’re old but still useful and when you are skint you can think of them, the grandparents (and the money obviously.)

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